Education in Faith

GRADE 5/6 SOCIAL JUSTICE TEAM –                               MINI VINNIES

Once again a big thank you to the Mini Vinnies for giving up their lunchtime to collect and count the money donated to Project Compassion.


What a fantastic effort by everyone!! The total amount we have collected so far is $329.80!!! 


The result for the end of this week is:


1st              Patrick                $ 113.25

2nd             MacKillop         $ 97.50

3rd              Teresa                $ 78.35

4th              Bosco                 $ 40.70


Thank you to everyone for their contributions and support! Well done MacKillop for this week. Let’s see who is leading next week. 




This week’s video shares the story of Arsad from Indonesia: 




A big thank you to all the families who have taken Project Compassion boxes home and a reminder that they need to be returned to the office by Monday 29th March. If you would like the money you collected to go towards your child’s House please indicate your child’s House on the box. 


Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies



5th Sunday of Lent


The readings for the 5th Sunday of Lent for Year B focuses on God’s covenant with us, even though we are often unfaithful. The first reading speaks of a new covenant. The psalm sings “Create a clean heart in me, O God.” The second reading speaks of the obedience of Jesus Christ brought about our salvation. And in the Gospel, Jesus foretells his death and explains that those who follow him will find eternal life. We also hear Jesus teaching his disciples about the way in which he will be glorified by God, and a voice from heaven is heard to affirm this teaching. “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” But this glorification will take place only after his suffering and Death on the Cross. Jesus uses the example of a grain of wheat that only produces fruit when it falls to the ground and dies. He promises that those who die to themselves by serving him will know the reward of eternal life.


Jesus says that unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains a single grain. But if it dies then it will give a rich harvest.


What do we think Jesus means by that? Jesus is using this image to explain that he must die on the cross so that he can rise again and so we will believe he is the Son of God.


Jesus promises and says to us:


Lose yourself in me and you will find yourselfLose yourself in me and you will find new lifeLose yourself in me and you will find yourselfAnd you will live, yes you will live in my heart.


Unless a grain of wheat, falls into the groundIt still remains but a grain of wheatBut if it falls and dies, then it bears much fruitSo it is with those who lose themselves in me.


Discussion Starters

1. A time of suffering, pain, and sorrow in my life was when...

2. As I look back on that time today, I feel...

3. A time in my life when something good came out of something awful was...

4. When I think of those who give their lives for others, I think of...   because... 


Let us Pray: God of our hearts, each day of this Lenten time, we are trying to grow in love and forgiveness. We believe your Spirit is working within us to help us. Thank you for your love and forgiveness to each of us. AMEN.



Sacramental News


Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6


First Reconciliation: Thursday 25th March at 5: 30 pm at St. Kevin’s Church.




First Reconciliation: Thursday 25th March at 5: 30 pm at St. Kevin’s Church.



Family Workshop:

Wednesday May 26th at 7:00pm at SFS.         


First Eucharist  

Sunday 20th June at 11.00 am St. Kevin’s Church.

Reconciliation for Eucharist Candidates on Wednesday June 9th 1pm at SFS.



Family Workshop: Wednesday May 26th  at 5:00 pm at SFS. 


First Eucharist  

Sunday 20th June at 9.00 am  at St. Kevin’s Church



Family Workshop: Tuesday August 31st 7 pm at SFS.


First Reconciliation

Fr. Anil will visit SFS on Monday 22nd March to dialogue with children about the significance of receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. 


The children prepared prayer cards. These cards were distributed to our parish community during last weekend masses to our parishioners to pray for our children.


We ask you to uphold in prayer 74 of our senior students who will be receiving their First Reconciliation on Thursday 25th March at 5:30 pm at St. Kevin’s Church.


There will be an Assembly on Friday 26th March at 2:45 pm to congratulate these children. 


God Bless

Rozeta Ambrose