Italian Immersion Program

Signora Schembri

Immersion at Gladstone Park Secondary College


Gladstone Park Secondary College is very excited to be able to offer a Select Entry Language Immersion Program!


It is the first secondary school in Victoria to offer Italian utilising this methodology. Language Immersion is the most effective form of bilingual education as it enables students to learn a language through content, leading to a more engaging and effective process of language acquisition.


How it works…


Immersion students at Gladstone Park Secondary College experience the full breadth of the curriculum offered at our college while studying Mathematics, History and Geography in Italian from Year 7 to Year 9. During the Italian language classes students learn new vocabulary and grammar that will facilitate their understanding of the abovementioned subjects. In Year 10, Language Immersion students will have the choice to study Year 11 LOTE Italian, and will have the choice to study an additional VCE subject. In Year 11, Immersion students, study Year 12 Italian. By the completion of Year 12, Immersion students will have a great range of VCE subjects from which their ATAR is then calculated. 


On Tuesday 9th March

Year 7 Immersion students and Immersion staff will be visiting the Year 6 students at Greenvale Primary School to give a small presentation and answer any questions. In the meantime please save the date… Wednesday 5th May …. for the Gladstone Park Secondary College annual Immersion Celebration Night. We hope to see you there for a night of fun, celebration and everything Italian.