An International Focus 

Enjoying crepes at Harmony Day Celebrations

Welcome for New International Students at Government House

Alan Clarke, International Student Coordinator 


As part of Harmony Day celebrations this week, new Year 9 international students Demi Gong, Jason Wang, Joyce Wu and William Lin attended the Victorian Governor’s annual Welcome for International Students at Government House. 

From left to right: William Lin, Jason Wang, Demi Gong, the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Joyce Wu and Alan Clarke, International Student Coordinator.
From left to right: William Lin, Jason Wang, Demi Gong, the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Joyce Wu and Alan Clarke, International Student Coordinator.

Approximately 400 students and their teachers from independent, government and Catholic schools attended, and we were fortunate to be able to hear speeches from and also get to talk to Her Excellency, The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, as well as other dignitaries and students over morning tea.

Mingling with dignitaries at morning tea
Mingling with dignitaries at morning tea

We also had the opportunity to explore the historic rooms and surrounds of Government House.

Students enjoying live music and morning tea in the garden of Government House.
Students enjoying live music and morning tea in the garden of Government House.

We are grateful for this wonderful initiative which helps to make new international students commencing in Victoria feel valued and their introduction to Melbourne more memorable.

Celebrating Harmony Day 

On 21 March, our Senior School students celebrated Harmony Day - with an Assembly, crepes and sushi - as part of our Global Connections Program.

We look forward to celebrating our Global Connections Program with our Junior School on Bastille Day!

Library Books Donated to the Philippines 

          Jane Viner, Head of Library Resource Services


The McKie Library Team has recently supported Give a Textbook in re-homing and recycling approximately 300 books to the Philippines.

Jordan Adams, Senior Library Technician and Annalisa Nuth (Kilvington parent & volunteer)
Jordan Adams, Senior Library Technician and Annalisa Nuth (Kilvington parent & volunteer)

It's fabulous to see these books going to those in need of such resources and not going to landfills.


Our books will make up part of an upcoming distribution project in May. Give a Textbook organisation is donating these books to Davao, Philippines, to help refurbish a Public Library as well as an after-school program for underprivileged children.


Thank you to our donors and the Library Team for their support in creating a positive impact on the lives of those less fortunate than us. We will be sharing more photos and information about this project next term.

If you require any information about Give A Textbook for publishing or newspaper reference,  please email me at