Celebrating Leaders 

International Woman's Day Lunch

Annual Quill Awards for Victorian Journalism

by Elizabeth Yeo, Year 11


Kieran Connolly and I had the privilege of recently attending the Annual Quill Awards for Victorian journalism in 2017.


It was a stunning night where we were able to catch a glimpse of the stars in Victorian media as they were rewarded for their talent and incredible journalism.


The presentations, dinner and social aspects were simultaneously challenging yet mesmerising as we mingled with the award winners; journalists, photographers, camera workers and artists who were responsible for the memorable moments of 2017’s journalism.


One of the highlights of the night was meeting Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker, the two men responsible for the report that exposed the role of Chinese donors in Australian politics, and ultimately the fall of Senator Sam Dastyari.

All in all, it was a spectacular night, and we are grateful for the opportunity to meet some of Australia’s most talented journalists at the Quill Awards.

International Women’s Day

by Leanne Chua, Year 11


Elisabeth Yeo, Gemma Webb, Ms Kenney, Mrs Le Bas and I were given the wonderful opportunity to attend the International Women’s Day Lunch at Glen Eira Town Hall on 9 March.


The program celebrated the achievements of women and talked about how the gender inequality gap in society could be closed even further.


Angela Pippos, journalist, author and a prominent female figure in the male dominated industry of sport, shared her experiences of success and gender discrimination.


Following her speech, a panel of three other distinguished female individuals were called onto stage and the members of the audience were given the opportunity voice their opinions and seek answers from the panellists.


The lunch was truly an eye opening and insightful event that really deepened our understanding of the situation in regard to gender inequality and the actions we can take to reduce the disparity.


Out of the many things that I learnt, the one that truly stuck to me was a response by one of the panellists who said - 

'Women need to stop doubting themselves and go for it.' ​

Goldstein School Leaders Event

On 14 March, our Junior and Senior School leaders attended the Goldstein School Leaders event.


Attending with our Junior School leaders were Sergeant Arran Ferguson, Bayside's Citizen of the Year; Laurence Evans, Bayside Mayor; Tim Wilson, Federal Member for Goldstein; and our  very own Head of Junior School and best soccer player on the Executive team, Sebastian Earle. 

Attending with our Senior School leaders were Tim Wilson, Federal Member for Goldstein and Christian Porter, Attorney General.