Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing staff play an important role within Concord School. They are there to support students who are at risk of disengagement and not achieving their educational potential.

The Wellbeing Team comprises of Colin Simpson (Assistant Principal) Sharon Ouliaris (Wellbeing Coordinator) Zee Munro and Hillary Field (Counsellors) Jesse Donaldson & Trish Kuhar (Student Engagement and Support) and Poppy, (School Support Dog.)


Ensuring our students are positively engaged in as many aspects of school life as possible is however a whole school endeavour and the wellbeing staff work closely with senior staff, teachers, therapists and classroom assistants from across the school. The Wellbeing team provides direct day-to-day support for students, wrap around services, develops partnerships with community agencies, works with families where appropriate, addresses attendance issues, provides direct therapeutic support to students and supports staff in how they can bring out the best in our students.


Importantly the wellbeing team focuses on the happiness of our students and strives to ensure all students are engaged and enjoying learning and life at Concord School.


Please feel free to contact the wellbeing team either via your child’s teacher or directly to Colin Simpson.


Thanks to the Upper Primary reps on the SRC (Gabriel, Oliver, Jacob, Naihi and Trey) we have a new Upper Primary basketball post and hoop as pictured. It has already proved to be very popular.


The July Student Representative Council (SRC) meeting was held and  some amazing ideas and suggestions were discussed.


Colin Simpson ( Assistant Principal), Karen Jordan (Secretary) Kylie Lewin (School Council Rep), Sinead O’Donnell (Speech support) Courtney King (Sec 11/Teacher) Oliver W PDC,   Jacob C PCA, Jack F SJH , Jake T SAL , Jesse P SFH, Samuel B SKH,  Danny L SMB , Jaz B SJC, Amy SKL, Travis SKA, Melinda F SHY( School Captain), Tenesha  R  SJS (Vice Captain)  Gabriel B PKO Luca Z SMV Lachlan S SSB, Josh C SAP, Robert SBR Gekonde SCK, Max SMO, Roger SSO, Brayden GSJG Alex W SMN, Sierra SEW, Scott L STH, Naihi PSC, Trey PMJ, Faisal SVI



Jane Stacey (AMPLIFY support)


Business Arising:

  • The Upper Primary basketball hoop will start to be installed next week
  • The working party continues to work on a healthy eating policy
  • Students from Parade college will be coming in on Friday’s in term 3 to run clinics for soccer and various sporting activities.

New Business:

  • Courtney King- A newspaper group is starting in Term 3 on Mondays at lunchtime in SCK, Sec 11/12 building. Please come and join the club if you are interested in drawing, writing, news, announcements, special events and be involved in a new group that will produce a newspaper.
  • Ashley Butler and Nikki Long- A Library club will begin at lunchtime on Wednesday in the Discovery centre. Come for a visit.
  • Unfortunately, the music system is down at the moment and we are waiting to have a new one installed.


  • Jacob C, Niahi, Trey (Upper)

-A suggestion for underground classrooms. Colin said great idea but we are only having above ground classrooms coming up in the building works, there will be 2 levels though

-  A suggestion for a Torres Strait Island flag to be at Concord. Colin said leadership will consider this and 2 new flags have been ordered and will be put up at the front of the school as soon as possible.

- Further suggestions for dress up days to be discussed with Team Leader

- Students would like more outdoor tables so they can work outside on nice days. Colin said we are trialing outdoor tables in Sec 11/12 and will consider for other sections in the future

- A suggestion for an Arts and Craft table to be available in the Upper Primary courtyard was made. Colin loves this idea and will liaise with the Team Leader.


  • Robert, Gekonde, Brayden (Sec 11/12)

-Students would like an ‘All Girls area in the school yard’. Colin said that we have a lunchtime girls club.

- Discussion was held regarding the possibility of a ‘Buddy Seat’ where you can go if you are feeling lonely, isolated or bullied. Colin said amazing idea and Leadership will consider this

- Students would like a ‘Boy’s club’. Colin said that this will be considered as there is a Girls club offered at lunchtime.

- A suggestion for more Vegetarian options in the canteen. Colin said this will be passed onto Canteen staff

- A suggestion for the path to be paved onto the Loyola oval. Colin said that we cannot do this as the area is on council ground

- Students would like more opportunity to do life skills such as washing, doing dishes, cleaning, tying shoelaces. Colin replied that these are part of the Life skills program that students are involved with.

- Students would like more animals at school. Colin replied that we a lucky to have Poppy, Concord’s new dog and we will work with Poppy and reconsider more animals in the future.

- Discussion was held regarding laptops not charging correctly. Colin said raise this issue with Team leader and ICT team.

-  A student would like new classrooms, toilets for Sec 11/12. Colin said we are currently working on a new Sec 9/10 space and the Sec 11/12 building is beautiful.


Reminders- Students would like to remind peers that all phones should be handed in before 9 am including before Specialists classes. Hand in diaries to teachers each morning and make sure you leave your laptops on charge overnight.


  • Faisal, Sierra, Chris N, Max, Jack, Jesse (Sec 7/8)

-Discussion was held regarding more lunchtime clubs being available- Lego, iPads, games, Rugby, Cricket. Team leaders to discuss further

- Students would like to ensure that Gaga court is replaced after building works are completed. Colin said this will occur

- Students would like Story time. Colin said that this may occur in the new Library club on Wednesday at lunchtime

-Students would like the radio room and green screen room used more. Colin said that would be amazing, speak with classroom teachers regarding this

- New nets for basketball rings and taps will be replaced.

- Students would like specific dress up days, crazy hair days, PJ days to raise money for different charities. Colin said discuss with Team leaders

- Students would like 25 minutes for recess. Colin said break times are mandated by DET

-  A suggestion for a singing club was made. Colin and Luca said that an application for States School Spectacular for 2020 will be made.

- A student would like to wear tra