English and Literacy

On behalf of the English faculty, we would like to congratulate our students on their resilience as they move in and out of Remote Learning in Term 3. We look forward to having you back in the classroom as soon as possible!
7 & 8 English
This semester students in Years 7 & 8 English are beginning Literature Circles, a program which allows students to read a book of their choice and discuss their reading with a small group.
Literature Circles encourage students to have conversations about the ideas they have as they read. Through these conversations they develop important speaking and listening skills, deepen their understanding of books and learn strategies they can apply to all reading they find challenging.
Importantly, Literature Circles provide students with lots of opportunity to read, and because students choose their books it helps them learn how to read for pleasure. We can't wait to see our students working collaboratively together and sharing their ideas!
9 & 10 English
In semester two, students in Years 9 & 10 will be exploring books from the fantastical to the contemporary. In text response units, it is important that students have a really good understanding of the story, characters and setting, and they can only achieve this if they have read the book!
If you are wanting to support your student to improve in English, encourage them to read for 10-15 minutes each night. This will break the book down into manageable chunks, and completing their work in the classroom will be a lot more achievable.
11 & 12 English
For our Year 12 students, it is now the home stretch of their high school education, and this part goes fast! The end of year exam is just around the corner, so now is an excellent time to begin re-reading the texts studied during the year in preparation.
VCE students should continue to push themselves, even though it is a challenging time of the year even under normal circumstances. Teachers are here and ready to support students, whether that be in person or remotely, and students should be seeking feedback on their work to continue developing their skills.
Whether your student is in Year 7 or 12, I welcome you to get in touch with their English teacher if you want to know more about their progress or how to support them in their learning.
Take care and we hope to see you soon!
Ashleigh Hudson
English Domain Leader