Assistant Principal's Update

Welcome back to another term here at JFC and what a jam packed term its been already. We are excited to welcome Lisa Robinson, our acting Assistant Principal who has positioned herself to the role seamlessly and with great success - welcome Lisa!
Term three has already seen two lock downs however I am most proud of our staff and students who have made this transition as smooth as possible. The feedback about our transition from students and parents has been positive and as the learning continues online, so do our celebrations. Students are excited about their teachers sharing their feedback using a voice recording app and uploading it to Compass/Teams, so that students can stay connected to their class outside of their an online session. Ms Musgrave is pre-recording her instructions and adding them to the Teams chat just so that students stay connected to the learning and peers - excellent!
Thank you to Mr Luke who has shared his tips on maintaining social and physical well being with his students online. These tips have been very popular with our students so I wanted to share them with you, our wider community here:
We are so proud of our school Captain Sebastian Waterman who is raising money for Black Dog Institute Mental Health, an organisation that he is passionate about. We are keen to see Sebastian's mullet gone so if you are too, please donate to his fundraiser using the below link.
Please take care of one and another and I look forward to seeing you and your children soon.
Maria Hristova
Assistant Principal
Excellence in Teaching and Learning