P&C News


New Hats! 

Due to the poor quality of the school logo hats added to the uniform this year we have changed suppliers.  We now have a shipment of the new hats in the uniform shop. They have a slightly higher price tag of $20 but we promise it’s worth it. The P&C would like to offer a deal. Simply bring your old logo hat to the uniform shop and our uniform coordinator will exchange the existing hat with a new one and you only have to pay the difference of $8. This offer will last until the end of the year. These hats are sun smart and are reversible with the faction colour on the interior.  Remember the Faction carnival is coming up, so show your faction pride! Come and see Catherine every Monday morning for all your uniform needs.


Upcoming Fundraising

Father’s Day is coming up and we will be running our annual stall. There will be a roster for volunteers to help staff our stall in the P&C room shortly, come pop your name down for a slot and help our kids shop for the beloved father figure in their life. Our fundraising coordinator Jess would love people to help organise the products leading up to the event so if you can’t make it on the day to help out you can still be helpful. Please contact us marangaroopandc@gmail.com if you would like to help out!



National Lamington and Lasagne Day is Friday July 30. Order forms have been sent out with students or order online using the My School Connect App. Get your orders in to enjoy a special lunch!




Some Big Thank Yous!

The P&C would like to thank Tammy Bija for joining us at the last meeting to discuss school events and how we can help each other out. She is an asset to our school and we are grateful for her passionate involvement. 

We would also like to the thank the staff and students for their lovely tribute to the P&C on WA P&C Day Friday July 23. This day is to appreciate the volunteers that give their time to raise funds and run events for their schools. The messages and appreciation we received were beautiful. Thank you for recognising us. 


A Fond Farewell and A Welcome

To Mr Taylor “T-Dog” Webb, we have enjoyed so much working with you and supporting your vison for Marangaroo. We are sad to lose you but proud to have called you our Principal. Good luck and best wishes from the MPS P&C.

Which brings us to Mr Adrian Keenan. Welcome! We very much look forward to getting to know you and working with you.


Meeting 4

Term 3: Week 3 Monday August 2 at 7pm

All are welcome and very much encouraged. If you have any questions about the Marangaroo P&C or want to know more contact us at marangaroopandc@gmail.com or call/ text Mike on 0414 344 863. 

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