Chaplain's Corner

Hello MPS Community
Term 3 is here and we have all hit the ground running with plenty of change and transition both expected and unexpected. I know as a school we have learnt how to adapt to so many things and continue to develop a growth mindset. I would personally like to acknowledge and thank our outgoing Principal Taylor Webb who gave me my first opportunity to develop as a School Chaplain. I also warmly welcome Principal Adrian Keenan and I know that we are going to work well together and look forward to it.
I spent the holidays with my boys unwinding from a busy first semester for us all. We spent some of the dry weather exploring our parks and beaches and the wet weather at home and, to be honest, many a day in our PJs . My youngest took this photo and a few others while we were on our adventures.
Under Pressure - We have a choice?
Anyone who has been watching world events, events in our own country and even changing events within our school will know change is inevitable but also brings with it pressure points. Whether that be internal or external or within our personal or professional lives we all have pressure points and the global pandemic has highlighted these greatly. People under pressure can tend to have the ability to explode, implode or build their capacity and what is more our children are watching how we respond. No pressure there!!
I want to encourage each of you to remember that diamonds are built under pressure and in the rough. Here are some reminders of great habits to have when things are overwhelming:
- Remember the things we are grateful for in our lives. If you are having trouble make a list of them and once you start doing that more gratitude follows.
- Reach out for help or support. It is not weak to need help in fact right now it is pretty much essential. I have my hand up often.
- Help someone else in need. Even if that is just offering a listening ear, a smile or a meal. Do what you can manage in your own workload but I almost guarantee you will make someone's day.
- Be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can.
Until next newsletter remember - we are strong, resilient staff, students and families. MPS community Term 3 is going to fly past. Come as you are. You are always welcome.
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Monday and Friday