School Sports and Community Sport programs

Interschool Sports
We had six primary schools compete against one another for the finale of our interschool winter carnival. Marangaroo Primary proved we had one of the highest levels of effort and determination displayed in our region.
In AFL, we won almost every match and had the most strategy and fitness on the day. Well done to you all, you finished second in our district! A big thank you to Mr Cutting for your superb coaching skills over the past few months.
The netball teams came away with a few draws, however did not secure a place on the podium. This by no means dampened the spirits of the students, as they produced their best game play ability and should be proud of their efforts. Well done! Mrs Rogers, Ms Tozer, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Preston and Mrs Barr, the students all valued your experience and appreciated your support. Thank you again!
The Soccer teams put forward the strongest play Marangaroo has seen to date. We had a couple of close draws, however did not secure a podium finish either. Both teams competed with such strategy and skill that every game kept spectators in suspense. Congratulations soccer students! Many thanks to Mrs Smith, Mr Jones, Ms Bija, Mrs Roser and Ms Cross for their soccer coaching throughout the competition. On and off the field, the students followed your advice and recognised your experience.