Principal's Report

As Victoria is well and truly into its fifth lockdown, we approach remote learning with a sense of familiarity. Students have been positive and have engaged with remote learning in such a positive way and I thank you for supporting and encouraging your children to maintain their connectiveness to their classmates and teachers. Whilst the news is not welcomed, as a community we are committed to making the best of it and it is so crucial that our student’s wellbeing and mindset stays positive and hopeful.


Once again, our staff have outdone themselves and demonstrated professionalism and commitment by helping with onsite learning for our authorised worker families and vulnerable students. It's difficult to teach online while supervising and teaching onsite, but our teachers, and ES staff always rise to the challenge.


It has been extremely disappointing that our whole school production, excursions, disco and many other wonderful experiences have been postponed.


We are still very hopeful that our school production will happen on the 5th and 12th November, so put this event in your calendar. All other events will be rescheduled if at all possible.


However, rather than focus on remote learning in this newsletter I would like to focus on some very positive changes you will notice when returning to back to school.


Staffing News

I would like to officially welcome two new staff members to our BHPS community who will enrich our teaching profile in many ways.


Nicole Gladman returns to Melbourne from teaching in Queensland. Nicole is replacing Sarah Weichert. Nicole worked with the students and staff in Year 5 in the last week of Term 2 and has settled in beautifully. Bec Bird has replaced Karen Evered as the new STEAM teacher. Bec has coordinated Science in her previous school and is a passionate teacher of STEAM. We look forward to both teachers enjoying our community and their new positions at BHPS and I know you will join me in making them feel very welcome.


Holiday Ground Works

Fencing- our new fencing around the school is looking amazing. We are just waiting on the final completion of our oval project and the gates and fences will be complete. Our new star Shade Sail and Synthetic Grass with four-square courts is complete and is another wonderful addition to our grounds. Make sure you take a look. It has really made a difference to the outside of the senior classrooms and I know the students will love having another place to congregate and enjoy each other’s company.


We have been fortunate to receive a grant from the Government Greener Government Schools Building Program to receive $35,293.28 for the installation of solar panels. By having solar panels the program aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by installing solar power systems, and a real savings on the schools power bill too. This has now been completed.


Front Stage - We have had repairs to the stage at the front of the school over the holidays. This has made a great difference to the stage and hopefully will last quite a few more years.


Hopefully our beautiful students will return to school next week and we can return to some normality. Have a great weekend and stay safe.


Leanne Jennings
