Bridget Smith/Michael Kearton


Welcome back again everyone! We are very grateful to be back at school with the children and are getting back into the swing of teaching and learning. We hope that all our families are well and are recovering ok after the last lockdown. We have had an exciting return to school with all the hype of the Olympics. The children have enjoyed watching Australia compete in various events over the past week. Thanks to Mr. Butters for organising this. Their engines have been running high with all of the chanting and cheering and it's great to see them supporting these amazing athletes. 



Literacy Circles have continued as students are well into the second halves of their books. The teachers are trying to get a high quantity of reading into students at the moment so don't be surprised to see a novel come home at some stage. We have been focussing on making inferences within our novels (using the clues in the text and what we know to draw conclusions about the characters and events). This has been a high area of need in reading comprehension for most students and the children are making steady progress in this area.



We have started our unit on Information texts over the past week. The children have been learning how to hook the reader with a sizzling start using a range of different techniques that lend themselves to information texts. It has been great to see their creativity with this. We have been really excited about the progress in writing that all children have been making, particularly in the content that they are producing. 



We completed our unit on Angles during remote learning and have now moved onto Location and Transformation. Transformation changes the position of a two-dimensional shape. This could be by flipping the shape (reflection), sliding the shape (translation) or turning the shape (rotation).