Diana Rinaldi

Welcome to Week 3! It has been a busy time since returning from remote learning, but the Foundation students have been amazing! They have adjusted quickly into our school routine and it is so rewarding to see how far they have come since the beginning of the year. We welcome Charlie to our class and hope he enjoys being with us crazy people!

Potato Olympics 

Tomorrow the Foundations and their Buddies will be participating in our own Olympics!

Here are some of the athletes competing. Interesting why there are so many Italians!!


This week our shared text is Egg to Bee as part of our new unit. There are many interesting facts to learn about bees! This is one of many information texts we will be looking at to assist our reading and writing. 


Some wonderings…

I wonder why bees fly so long?



I wonder why bees can’t fly in the rain?

Maggie and Ethan


I wonder why bees are brown and black?



I wonder why the queen bee is the only one to lay eggs?




Maths is always a lot of fun! Recently using unifix blocks a lot more to play ‘the longest line’ to then help practice skip counting by 10s, understanding the place value of a number and lots of counting.

RE (Religious Education)

Foundation is continuing their unit on "We care for God's World". We will be listening to the Creation story from the Bible and then making our own little mini-book to retell the story.