Student of the Week

Term 2 - Week 10
Prep 1: Olivia
Prep 2: Prep 2
Lower Primary 1: Aria
Lower Primary 2: Levi
Lower Primary 3: Blake
Upper Primary 1: Halle
Upper Primary 2: Mauga-Roy
Upper Primary 3: Hailee
Upper Primary 4: Violet
Upper Primary 5: Emily
Upper Primary 7: Lily-May
Upper Primary 8:
Junior Secondary 1: Cooper
Junior Secondary 2: Carlton
Junior Secondary 3: Jack
Junior Secondary 4: Katie
Junior Secondary 5:
JS/UP 6: Phoenix
Senior Secondary 1:
Senior Secondary 2:
Senior Secondary 3: Tiffany
Term 3 - Week 1
Prep 1: Kai
Prep 2: Lawrence
Lower Primary 1: Micah
Lower Primary 2: Archer
Lower Primary 3: Jack
Upper Primary 1: Elijah
Upper Primary 2: Xavier
Upper Primary 3: Hailee
Upper Primary 4: Naomi
Upper Primary 5: Felix
Upper Primary 7: Scarlett
Upper Primary 8: Izaac
Junior Secondary 1: Tyler
Junior Secondary 2: Stacey
Junior Secondary 3: Thomas
Junior Secondary 4: Jazmaine
Junior Secondary 5: Aaron
JS/UP 6: Narie
Senior Secondary 1: Charlie
Senior Secondary 2:
Senior Secondary 3: Tiffany