The Wellbeing Team

Welcome to the Parenting Toolkit! Here we will be sharing key areas in student development. Each newsletter aims to provide evidence-based information for our school community. Today’s focus is Nutrition and the impact it has on our young people. 


“Studies relating to the diet and nutrition of young people have determined that there is a direct affect on brain development and learning. This can directly impact academic outcomes.”  Dr Michael Carr-Gregg


Today, young people are faced with a number of nutrition issues that can stem from skipping breakfast or lunch, consuming food and drinks which are high in sugar, high in saturated fats and eating at irregular times.


At Aberfoyle Park High School we want to support our students to make healthy choices which aids their health and wellbeing. One of the ways in which we do this is through providing information within our Wellbeing for Learning Program, studied by all students from year 8 to 12 each Monday. The program covers the concept of PERMA+, a framework for positive wellbeing. Part of the PERMA+ framework is a focus on nutrition. Each year level looks at age-appropriate strategies to support positive decision making around eating habits. 


Strategies to support good nutrition include:

  • Complete food shopping with your child
  • Encourage them to take ownership and help prepare recess, lunch or dinner
  • Support them to plan in advanced. Planning meals such as recess and lunch can take time and effort. However this strategy supports consistent eating and reduces those last-minute decisions which are often convenient and not necessarily the most nutritious

Another way we support students to ensure they get a good start to the day is through our Breakfast Club which runs every Monday and Friday from 8.00am in the Learning Support Building. Matt Peters our Pastoral Care Worker, organises this program. It provides a nutritious breakfast to all students who attend. 


School TV is a free evidence-based resource for parents and students. Please click on the following link to access information including articles, short videos and more relating to nutrition (

You can also access School TV directly through our school website ( then clicking on the SchoolTV logo.