Shauna Thompson, Assistant Principal Middle School & 8-12 Wellbeing

I would like to thank the parents/caregivers and students for their support of the online learning program during our recent lockdown.


During the week of the lockdown many of our Middle School students successfully engaged in online learning and were able to adapt to a new way of learning with very positive results.


It was wonderful to see their smiling faces at the beginning of each lesson when logging on to Webex, with many of them enjoying the change to their learning environment and some finding it more challenging.


As students return to face-to-face learning, if your child is experiencing any anxiety around returning to school or you have any other concerns please feel free to contact any of the Middle School Team to discuss. 


A reminder that as a member of the Aberfoyle Park High School community, you are able to access SchoolTV which is an online resource that is designed to assist parents and caregivers to support their children. It can be accessed through our school website. Each month, there will be an additional edition of materials on topical issues. Click the picture below to access SchoolTV.




There is a recent article available on SchoolTV about COVID fatigue and Youth Mental Health which is very relevant at this time. This can be accessed direct by clicking the link below:




Again, thanks to all the staff, students and parent/caregivers for working in partnership with each other to ensure that learning continued with minimal disruption.