Sarah Horne, Teacher

Music students across years 8-12, who are members of extra curricular music ensembles; String Ensemble, Choir, Percussion Ensemble and Big Band, presented a live performance for family and friends on Wednesday 23 June, known as the St Augustine's Church Music Concert.


Students worked diligently through term 2 to rehearse and refine music ready to showcase their skills and abilities with rehearsals at lunch times or after school. Some dedicated students were in multiple ensembles playing different instruments or singing. 


Each ensemble delighted audiences with their talents and diversity of music, from classical music by Handel, to contemporary Ed Sheeran songs, and some musical theatre songs thrown in too. 


The ensemble performances were broken up with solo performances and audiences were treated to a performance by talented year 12 students. Alesha performed the playful piece Madrigal, Adam showed a softer side to percussion presenting Autumnus on Vibraphone and Estella utilised the church accustics to perform Syrinx