Rachelle De Fazio, Teacher

On Friday 11 June, 29 students participated in the Science and Engineering Challenge. This is a nationwide STEM outreach program presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities and sponsors. 

This day was full of STEM challenges that required critical thinking skills, problem solving, communication and teamwork. The students were involved in an exhilarating day competing against six other schools with fun and engaging hands-on activities such as designing an earthquake proof tower, building a hovercraft or bridge, providing electricity to a city or creating an artificial hand. 


Students were highly successful in developing and utilising the skills required for each challenge. This was especially reflected with Jacob, James and Cody designing and constructing the best bridge that withstood the largest mass without breaking. Thank you to all the students that attended, gave each task their best efforts and to the science teachers Kerry Pinchbeck, Leigh Rayner, Jarrod Chave for supporting the students and organising the day. 


Student Julia writes:


"A lot of different opportunities were provided, and different scientific areas were incorporated. It is a fun day to spend with your friends and compete with other schools. The most enjoyable part of the day was to try yourself in something new, some new hands-on activities which you would rarely complete at school.
At the start I was a bit stressed because our hovercraft was not working out and we seemed to lose the competition. Although after remembering that this day is all about fun and new experience, I stopped panicking and enjoyed the day a lot. Our team was less focused on winning instead we wanted to try our best and see how much we are able to do.
We had a lot of fun, laughs, jokes and positive emotions. If there was another opportunity to participate in some type of science competition I would definitely participate and try my best. If you are interested in a engineering or a STEM career, events like this can be a perfect opportunity for you to see if such a career is for you or not.”