The start of term 3 saw another South Australian COVID-19 lockdown. Our staff were able to quickly pivot to online learning for the five school days. I spoke to many students on their return to school on 28 July and they were saying they were pleased to be back face to face, able to talk to their teachers and see their friends. Some students stated that they were more productive at home without the presents of others and able to focus on their work. We all experience situations differently. I would like to thank our students and families for the support in us meeting with the SA Department of Health requirements of students wearing face masks whilst inside. A reminder that if students are unwell then they need to stay home and the wearing of masks at Secondary Schools is a continuing requirement.


We have welcomed the following staff from the beginning of term 3:

  • Mr Raphael Zadey returning from leave. He continues in the leadership of the HASS curriculum team.
  • Mr Ryan Peters teaching English and HASS behind Mr John Ehlers. John has gone on leave for the remainder of the year.
  • Ms Harmony Fenoughty teaching Community Studies and leading Innovation in the Senior School role. Harmony has joined us for the remainder of the year and will be with us permanently from 2022.
  • Ms Teone Brauer, Mr Clay McKenzie and Ms Beth Barker who have joined the Learning Support team.

On 2 August parents and caregivers received an email from the Department for Education to participate in the 2021 Parent Survey. The survey responses provides information for us to identify what we are doing well and what we need to improve. Further information about the Parent Survey can be found at The more responses that are provided increases the reliability of the information that we will act on.


Term 3 sees the commencement of work on the 2022 school timetable. Important information has been provided about the course selection and confirmation process for each year level. Our school uses student choice to construct the timetable within our available budget. This means that we endeavour to run as many subjects as possible within constraints. Where there are insufficient numbers of students who select particular subjects we look to see if we can combine classes across year levels in vertical groups. If this is not possible then student subject reserves are used. I would like to assure families that decisions not to run particular subjects is not taken lightly. As much as possible we endeavour to offer our students what they would like to study.


Preparation is well underway for the 2022 incoming year 7 and 8 students.   The latest Year 7 to High School update is included in this newsletter. We have completed the planning of subjects that the year 7 students will experience in 2022 and will be introducing student choice for our 2023 year 8 beyond specialist music and their language other than English choices.


Marion Coady
