From the Foundation Classrooms

100 Days Collection

On Friday July 30th students and teachers in Team Foundation will be celebrating 100 days of school! It is hard to believe that 100 days have nearly come and gone since the first day of school back in Term One! During the 100 days of school celebration, students will take part in activities that have some connection to the number 100. In preparation for this exciting day, students have been busy collecting 100 items! This activity allows children to practice their counting skills. Some children are making ten groups of ten and skip counting up to 100. Others are counting by ones all the way to 100. Once we are back at school, each student's collection will be added to a large display which will be located in the corridor outside the Foundation classrooms. If you are interested in seeing what has been collected, come and have a look at the display! Below are some pictures of what students have collected so far.