A message from the trustees of the Australian Bookplate Design Awards, which will be of interest to those students in grades 3 and 4 whose work was entered into this competition early in the year.



This year has been difficult for all. CoVID-19 has disrupted all our lives.

Because of this disruption at the start of the year the deadline for entries to the Competition to be postmarked was extended until 28 February. At 29 June entries were still being received from Europe which were posted prior to that date.

Melbourne has recently gone into its fifth lockdown and the Trustees have determined to arrange for the judging of the Competition when possible. Judging, as usual, will be at The State Library of Victoria which has, of course, closed with the lockdown. The judges will be consulted once the library has re-opened to determine a day when they are all available. We apologise for the delays in judging and announcing winners.



Also impacted by Lockdowns 4.0 and 5.0 is the exhibition of our students' work in the Zart student gallery. I spoke with ZART  recently and the YOLO people work from selected students in grades 3 and 4 is now on display in the gallery, but of course the shop and gallery are closed due to the lockdown. Unfortunately, it will not possible to hold the  exhibition opening event even once the lockdown ends, as density limits will still be restricted. However, it  will be possible then for students and their families to to visit and view their works on display amongst those of students from other schools across Victoria.

I will also visit and take photos to share with you all.


These two disappointments are indicative of the many we have endured due to the pandemic, and probably not the most disappointing. Perhaps one way to move on from them is to resolve to try again and take on each new opportunity that presents itself. And to remember that whilst winning prizes or praise is great, it is not the main reason to make art. We make art to express and celebrate ourselves, our cultures and our circumstances!




Mrs H