5/6 B

With another round of remote learning underway we have asked the year 5/6s to be more accountable during this period. The children are being asked to attend more face to face meetings with the expectation that all work will be submitted. I want to thank the year 5/6s for the increased committment to the remote learning program and their ability to accept this extra work load and to challenge themselves to be the best learners they can be during this difficult time. 


Even though we have entered another period of remote learning we are continuing with our Literature Circle activites. Each day one of the groups works with the class teacher to participate in a literature circle. What is a Literature circle and how does it work? The group read a set text (a few chapters a week) and all have a role to undertake. These roles are designed to improve our comprehension skills. At the conclusion of the week the group convene to share their role and the work they have undertaken. The groups primarily run themselves with as little teacher input as possible. The roles undertaken are: Discussion Director - with a focus on literal and inferential questions that they can ask the group to disucss

Summariser - providing a summary of the chapter/s read

Connector - making connections through text to self, text to text and text to world

Word master - sharing challenging words and their meanings

Passage Picker - highlighting an important passage that may have been important to the overall storyline, a passgae that surprised or confused us, maybe a passage that made us laugh / cry

Illustrator - drawing an image of a scene within the chapter and explaining the importance of this image. 


Here are some examples of some recent poetry we have been writing in class. The examples shown are Cinquain poems



To begin remote learning we have begun a new unit on Location. This unit will incorporate the ability to draw and interpret maps, use compass points, grid references, and describe an object's position, direction and orientation within its environment. Before remote learning began we completed our unit on Probability


In this past week we have looked into where gold has been found around Australia. The children undertook a task to locate 'diggings' around the country and map them out as accurately as possible. In the coming week we will begin to look closely at what life was like on the diggings, in particular Ballarat, as we prepare for our upcoming camp at the end of the month. At this stage we have to continue to think positively and plan that our camp will go ahead as scheduled. Until we're told that it can't go ahead then we will continue to plan accordingly. Fingers crossed for some great news in the coming week or two. 


Important Dates for your Diaries - Term 3

Year 5/6 School Camp to Sovereign Hill - Monday 30th August - Wednesday 1st September


Stay safe!


Brendan and Judy