3/4 CG 

A big thank you to all of our families and students for being so adaptive to the forever-changing circumstances. Last week we were in the classroom and now we are back online, but regardless the students show up and participate each day and we are very grateful. Thank you also to students that attend our regular Google Meets ready to learn and willing to be respectful to one another. We know it's not easy and are pleased that you are staying motivated and active learners.


Last week we began a new unit called Volume/Capacity. The students firstly began by learning that Volume is how much space an object takes up. It includes solids, liquids, and gases. e.g. If you are blowing up a balloon, you are increasing the volume of gas.

Whereas Capacity is the amount of liquid a container can hold. e.g. A milk bottle can have a capacity of 1 Litre. 

We also learned that Volume has a formula: length x width x height. Students began using this formula by estimating the length, width, and height of objects they had used in the previous day. Students had to think of a realistic measurement. 


We are continuing our unit on Division and this time learning to deal with remainders when sharing can't be completed equally. Sometimes we need to keep the remainders aside and count them, sometimes we have to split or break up the whole to make fractions or decimals, using real-world examples.


We have been working on using our senses to put the reader right in the story, by describing what someone would see, smell, taste, touch, hear, and how they would feel (emotionally) if they were there. The first opportunity involved feeling fear as they were about to plunge over a waterfall. Here's what some of our amazing writers came up with;



as I walked up to the people hosting the show and saw the waterfall I thought about my mistake I've made. They talked a bit then told us what we were meant to do. I heard my heart pounding so hard that I nearly missed it was my turn first. Salty water filled my nose as I watched the slide and dynomite. I questioned if the protened village needed to live. The guy said it was ready to go and I went. My heart stopped as soon as my feet left the floor. I gained massive speed then stopped. I watched as the men strapped me in. I left the safety of the top of the slide and saw the dynamite and started whacking them. I fell off the slide, the stench of fire filled my nose, my heart pounded loudly and I felt the rubbery plastic pull my body as I looked down below. I saw the crashing water, fear filled my body. Was this it? Am I dead? WHAM! The zipline lifted my body smashing my abdomen after realise I was alive I celebrated and my heart slowed down a bit.



I was about to go down the slide i felt so nervous like I was about to throw up I kept seeing Birds and rock and water surrounding me then "BOOM". Off I went I was screaming I could hear my team mates cheering me on and the waterfall noise it smelt like trees and leaves i could feel the taste of vomit in my thought I was touching the string holding on so tight so I wouldn't fall off



I am sliding down a zipline

I'm really scared and as soon

as I know it, I'm on the slide.

I'm so shocked it is 100ft

high I'm not sure I want

to go down.

I go down the slide

it was so scary I

hung on the zipline

I went down.

I was on the other side

and we were happy.


The next writing session focussed on Fireworks



BANG* BOOM* Multicoloured fireworks shot from the Sydney Harbour Bridge to light up the sky!! I smelt smoke from sparklers *BOOM* I heard the crackling from the fireworks. I felt excited and I could see the beautiful fireworks in the reflection in Port Jackson Bay.



I was at the Festival of Light and there were lots of fireworks. It looked so cool I went to get some food, mmmm it tasted so good I started coughing from the smell of smoke. I couldn’t see the fireworks that well because there was a crowd of people. It sounded like banging. I am so happy that I got to come here.


Last week the students were presented with two different initiatives. One was from Officeworks in Frankston, where they wanted to bring about change in regards to recycling. The second one was from the Frankston City Council and they wanted to make an action plan in regards to Biodiversity. We spent quite a bit of time looking into both of these topics. Students had some knowledge of Recycling, but we looked into this further. We noticed that quite a lot of students did not know what Biodiversity was, therefore we looked into this further. Towards the end of the week, we asked students to make a decision of which initiative they would prefer to learn about and why. Most students were really interested in Biodiversity and wanted to find out more. 


Here is the video that we watched from the Frankston City Council. We are hoping that we are able to do a nature walk of our own in the near future.



Mr Cameron and Miss Georgia