5/6 T

 I would like to begin by saying that I have been impressed with how well the students have responded to the changes we have made this time around in remote learning. We are now running three Google Meets a day and it is an expectation that all students come to all three meets. I ask for the support of the adults who are supervising them at home to encourage and remind the students that they need to attend the meets. We have whole class tasks the students need to engage in before completing their independent work and there are a number of students I will ask to stay in the meets to work with me each day. 


We are continuing with literature circle groups. All students brought home their novels and will have one google meet a week where they share their roles with the group and are assigned more pages to read and a new role. 

The roles include:

Discussion Director - with a focus on literal and inferential questions that they can ask the group to discuss

Summariser - providing a summary of the chapter/s read

Connector - making connections through text to self, text to text and text to world

Word master - sharing challenging words and their meanings

Passage Picker - highlighting an important passage that may have been important to the overall storyline, a passage that surprised or confused us, maybe a passage that made us laugh / cry

Illustrator - drawing an image of a scene within the chapter and explaining the importance of this image. 



To begin remote learning we have begun a new unit on Location. This unit will incorporate the ability to draw and interpret maps, use compass points, grid references, and describe an object's position, direction and orientation within its environment. Before remote learning began we completed our unit on Probability



We have been incorporating our inquiry learning with our literacy this week during remote learning. Our focus has been on Australian history and learning about the different historical perspectives of colonisation and the time leading up to the Gold Rush. We are still preparing for our upcoming camp at the end of the month. At this stage we have to continue to think positively and plan that our camp will go ahead as scheduled. Until we're told that it can't go ahead then we will continue to plan accordingly. Fingers crossed for some great news in the coming week or two. 

Important upcoming dates - Term 3 

Year 5/6 School Camp to Sovereign Hill - Monday 30th August - Wednesday 1st September