Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!



Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated?

 5.5.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Thomas F


Miss Belanti

For working collaboratively in a group and taking on a leader role during Literacy. Great work Thomas! 
Lincoln A


Miss Santilla

For always trying your best and having a positive attitude! Well done Lincoln. 
Noah C


Miss Accaputo

For continuously showing courage and persistence throughout your learning, as you remain calm, and use strategies to help you get through tricky tasks. Super Effort Noah!!!
Juliana S


Mrs John

For using the Habit of Mind Create, Innovate and Imagine by imagining that she was an astronaut and engaging with curiosity during our session in the Space Hub today. Well done Juliana!
Milla K


Miss Mihocic

For her work on explaining her thinking in maths and Striving for Accuracy when working in groups 
All of 2B 


Mrs Tasevski

For a great start to Term 2.  Keep striving 2B and keep surprising yourselves with what you are capable of.  Proud as punch!
Rafka H


Miss Dicello

For her enthusiasm and eagerness to learn equal groups and repeated addition in multiplication. Keep up the positive attitude!
Lydia K.


Miss Ravanello

For showing persistence in your learning, trying your absolute best and always having a positive mindset. We are so proud of you Lydia, keep it up!
Spencer S


Miss Macri

For showing role values and leadership skills by welcoming our new student in 4A with open arms. You have shown love and care  to all people around you. Well done Spencer.
Fabian C


Mrs Peel

For using the Habit of Mind `Striving for Accuracy` by organising himself to allow time to put careful attention to his work. Well Done Fabian
Erin S


Mrs Carey

For taking her role as Eco Warrior seriously and having a positive influence on class sustainability choices. 
Alexavier D


Mrs McNamara

For demonstrating 'wonderment and awe' when experiencing the different subjects at Kolbe Catholic College this week. You were so engaged all day!
Mason A


Ms Kelly

For being enthusiastic and responsible at our Athletics Carnival! Thank you for being an excellent sportsperson and showing great initiative in your role as Francis House Captain!
Sam A


Miss Lee

For contributing great ideas during whole class discussions and being an enthusiastic team player during inter school sports training. Well done!

Elijah W 5B



Patrick 1A


Mr P - Years 2-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-1 

For Elijah W who gave his best efforts at the Athletics Carnival. With a never give up attitude, Elijah completed the 100m sprint and celebrated like a champion! Well done Elijah! 


For Patrick who showed his never give up attitude and did his very best at the Athletics Carnival. Well Done 

Talia K 3B


Mr Steve

For showing confidence and enthusiasm when performing in front of the class.
Julian J  5B


Mrs Zaffina

For making great connections with the Italian numbers and always trying his best. Bravissimo Julian!
George T 1A


Mrs Symeoy

For happily sharing his knowledge about Earth day with his peers and always engaging in our STEM sessions. Keep up the good work!


Orlando Prep A


Mrs Garro

Supporting Mrs Garro in the art room. What an amazing artist and little gentleman. Thank you so much Orlando for your kindness.




Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated?

12.5.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Ella-Grace N


Miss Belanti

For showing confidence and enthusiasm during your oral storytelling. Great work Ella!
Julia S


Miss Santilla

For always listening carefully and following instructions. You are amazing Julia! 
Michele M


Miss Accaputo

For embracing your learning as you responded with wonderment and awe throughout the Faith Life and Inquiry this week. You participated with enthusiasm and a positive attitude. Great effort!
Damon Z


Mrs John

For being a responsible and helpful learner in our classroom. Well done for being a fantastic role model and always leading by example. Congratulations, Damon!
Oliver Z


Miss Mihocic

For showing amazing friendship qualities and for participating in all aspects of school! 


Joseph Y


Mrs Tasevski

For his effort with his class learning and his beautiful reading in church .Well done! 
Andre M


Miss Dicello

For showing his peers support through his encouraging words during maths games. Your kindness and genuine happiness for others is inspiring!
Joseph H


Miss Ravanello

For always showing an openness to learning - your persistence and dedication never go unnoticed! I love your desire to do your best Joseph, keep it up!
Sophie J


Miss Macri

For showing the Habit of Mind Persistence with levelling up her organisation with her narrative writing. I am really excited to see what you will produce at the end of the term!
Isabella L


Mrs Peel

For Responding with Wonderment and Awe when planning her narrative ‘ The Day the Stars quit.  Love your creativity on your ideas. Well Done!
Cassandra T


Mrs Carey

For showing persistence and making efforts to complete all work, especially homework.
Sally Rose H


Mrs McNamara

For always demonstrating kindness and care towards others. You are an inspiration to us all Sally-Rose!
Jeffery M


Miss Kelly

For showing great initiative, and stepping up into your role as Teresa House Captain, by responding to feedback, staying organised and showing great house spirit! Well done
Lola B


Miss Lee

For showing enthusiasm and initiative throughout mathematics. I commend you for being a responsible learner and being eager to learn. Well done Lola! 
Tommy S


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For making great choices and being a fantastic leader throughout the lesson. Well done on being focussed and showing that you can be a responsible learner. Congratulations!
Natalie Prep B


Mr Steve

For demonstrating hard work and persistence in your puppet design and story. 
Dasha F Prep B


Mrs Zaffina

For being very focused and showing persistence when making her Mother’s Day placemat. Bravissima!
Tommy S 2B


Mrs Symeoy

For actively engaging in our STEM session and being happy to share his learning of the application Scratch Junior with myself and his peers. Well done Tommy!


Claristelle N 5B


Mrs Garro

For practising to improve her craft and it shows in her artwork. Claristelle you have a great attitude towards learning.