Year 3

Year 3

Excursion to Dubbo Zoo



On Friday, year 3 and I went on an excursion to the Taronga Western Zoo in Dubbo to see the animals. We left school at eight o'clock and travelled by bus towards Dubbo. On the minibus, we saw many crazy sculptures on the side of the road. 

When we got there, we had recess and we watched the wild spider monkeys play and then we had a little play. We got back on the bus with the zookeepers and saw lots of amazing animals, my favourite was the African wild dog.

After the tour, we dropped off the zookeepers and had lunch in front of a noisy monkey. After we had our delicious lunch, we all went back on the bus and we went past Molong where we stopped and played. It took half an hour from Molong to arrive back at school.

It was a fantastic day. I think everyone should definitely go to the zoo because it was so fun.

Written by Cooper S


On Friday 28th April 2023, Year 3 went on an excursion to Dubbo Zoo. We left school at 8 o’clock and travelled by bus. On the way to Dubbo Zoo we saw sculptures of animals on bikes in paddocks. My favourite sculpture was the horse riding the bike. We also stopped at Cumnock for a toilet break.

  Finally we arrived at Dubbo Zoo. Everyone hopped out of the bus for morning tea. We ate our recess while watching the spider monkeys play. After we ate morning tea, we played in the park right next to where we ate.

Then, we got back on the bus with the tour guides. The name of our tour guide was Trinity and on the small bus the guides’ name was Amy. Then we went to go see the animals. 

Firstly, we saw the Meerkats and then we saw the Monkeys, Hippos, Rhinos, Tigers, the tall Giraffes and the striped Zebras, and the scary Lions. When we saw the lions all the cubs were asleep. The lions were my favourite animals because they are cute and fluffy

 After we saw all the animals we went to have lunch. We ate right in front of a very noisy monkey.

 After we ate lunch, we sadly got back on the bus and headed back to school. On the way back to school, we stopped at Molong to have a play on the playground. Then we had to go back to school.

We arrived at  school at 4:30 and got picked up by our parents. Year 3 had the best day at Dubbo Zoo and we would love to go again.

Written by Harry V