Principal Update

Thursday 27 April


Welcome to Term 2.  We hope everyone managed to enjoy some quality time together with family and friends over Easter and the term break.


Lest We Forget

This week we have had the opportunity to acknowledge ANZAC day and explore its meaning.  On Monday, our school captains provided an overview of the origins and the significance it has for us.  Our students observed a minute’s silence, had the playing of ‘The Last Post’ and the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ read to them.


Yesterday our Year 5 students represented our school community at the 24th ANZAC Ceremony for Schools at the 1000 steps. Charley and Coen laid a wreath on our behalf.  We were very proud of our students who were very respectful as they listened to stories, songs and poems.  It was a nice service which provided a great background to our involvement at Kokoda during the second world war.


Thank you to one of our school’s parents, Kiandra Jarrett, who made the wreath for us.  It looked wonderful and included some native foliage from New Zealand too. 

Thank you

Our chickens have also enjoyed the term break spending time with the Eagleton family.  Thanks so much for looking after them for us, it is greatly appreciated.



This year we are able to once again host student teachers and we will have a number join us throughout the year.  Towards the end of last term, we had Brett join 34S.  He will be with them until the end of May. We also have Denise in 12A and Matthew in 56D with us for the next few weeks too. 


School Photos

Today we have our school photos and have needed to be flexible as we dealt with the wind and the rain.  When we receive these in around 6 or so weeks we will then have the whole school photo.  The date will be confirmed.



Enrolments for Foundation 2024 are now open. Families are asked to complete an enrolment form and return it to the school office as soon as possible to assist with planning for 2024.   If you know of family or friends who may be interested in hearing more about Menzies Creek education for their children, please ask them to contact the school office to arrange a tour. We are available for prospective and existing families to see the school in action.  Thank you for your assistance with this.   



We do have Assembly tomorrow at 2:45pm.  It won’t be a long one.



Dale McInerney