Principal Report

This will be my last newsletter contribution as the College Principal of Edgars Creek Secondary College. I have included a staff photo from 2018 as a prompt and to acknowledge how much the College has grown. When we moved to the Wollert site from Mernda Central College we had five education support staff, nine teachers, and two Principal class members. As I finish at ECSC we now have over 130 staff in total (30 Education support staff), five Principal class members and 100 teaching staff. We began with 85 Year 7 students and now have over 1200 students with more growth to occur in 2024.


It has been both a rewarding and challenging journey, especially for the first four years as we managed without all the specialist buildings that we required and during the two years of remote learning. I am proud of what we have all achieved as a team. The foundation students will finish their final year having experienced everything they were promised at the beginning. I thank them for their patience and understanding. I also wish them well as they complete this final year of schooling. I also wish to thank their families who trusted in my appointment and understood that creating a new school is complex and requires peserverance. During this time I was strongly supported by the retiring School Council President, Melanie Taimani. Melanie has attended close to 40 school council meetings. Her service to the College community was highly valued by myself and other serving school council members.


I also want to acknowledge the commitment of the many outstanding teachers and education staff we have currently at the College. Many of which have remained constant over the last five years. Their dedication to the students and ability to remain flexible during all the constant changes is truly commendable. I am not always sure that the students understand that during this time of a workforce teacher shortage it is a credit to the whole College team that we have retained so many staff. 


Finally, to all the students and families I wish you all well as you continue to learn and grow over the coming years. I encourage you all to take up the opportunities the College offers across all year levels which includes a rich curriculum and extra curricula program.



Multicultural Awareness & Respect Morning tea

The morning tea was a resounding success with family, community and student members. It was both a positive and informative experience with student leaders surveying our visitors on what it is like living in Wollert and Epping North; and shared views on how we can continue to work together to increase respect across the College and community. 



The staff have also completed part 1 of a Professional Learning session with the Centre of Multicultural Youth on understanding cultural sensitivities. This work will continue into the future with more to come for the community, students and staff.


New School Council

For 2023 I would like to announce the following members and office bearers of the ECSC School Council:


School Council President - Cara Horner

School Council Vice President - Laura Game

Treasurer - Sara Mamone

Parent Member - Mary Timotheou

Parent Member -  Harminder Singh

DET Member - Anthony Asta

DET Member - Glen Cowan

Community Member - Vivian Fatupa

Student Member - Mia Apostolovka

Student Member - Aishleen Sandhu

Information Evening Year 6 into Year 7 2024


We have planned an evening that is designed to engage both potential new students and their parents for Tuesday 2 May. The details are included in the post below. Essentially, the younger students visiting will be given a passport which they need to have stamped as the explore and travel around the College. It is an Open night with a twist. All our visitors will be invited to try different activities in different specialist areas around the College. Two short information sessions will also be held for parents and carers. Spread the word and both potential Year 6 and Year 5 students are welcome to attend.



Last Words & Congratulations!


I would like to congratulate Assistant Principal - Middle School, Phillip Adams who has been appointed the Acting College Principal for Term 2. I wish him well in his new role knowing he has the support of the College community. I would also like to thank the Principal team - Glen Cowan, Taryn Godley, Phil Adams and more recently Anthony Asta & Zac Anderson for their sheer hard work across the years in establishing the College while supporting students and staff. I cannot thank you enough.