Sports News

Mr Darren Lester


3 April School Cross Country

School Cross Country for Years 2 - 6

The School Cross Country will be Monday 3 April at Moran Oval - Taylor Street.

If any parents could assist with time keeping for this event could they please notify the office as soon as possible. Any parent helpers would be appreciated.


  • RETURNING AT 1.30PM - Normal lunch
  •  Arrive and walk the course. 
  • Students will run the course in the following order:
  • 12 & 13 yr old runners 3km
  • 11 yr old runners 3km
  • 10 yr old runners 2km
  • 8/9 yr old runners (7 year olds can run with the 8/9 year olds but won’t be counted for dio) 2km
  • Depart Moran Oval at 1.15pm
  • The first 6 places will be offered the opportunity to go to Diocesan Cross Country at Barraba on Friday 19th May.
  • Cross Country Ribbons will be presented after the event.

Polding Touch Football Trials


On Tuesday this week The Polding Touch Football trials were held in Parkes, NSW. I had the pleasure of attending these trials as the girls Manager. The trials were very competitive and the sportsmanship was wonderful. We had one student, Lucy Bible participate as a member of the Armidale Diocesan Team. Unfortunately she didn't progress to the Polding team but played fantastically with wonderful effort and enthusiasm. She should be proud of her efforts.

Polding Swimming Carnival

On Thursday 30th March, Daniel Ivannikov competed in the Polding Swimming Carnival at Homebush Aquatic Centre in Sydney.  Daniel improved his personal best time and is looking forward to training to improve his times for next year. Congratulations Daniel.


Sport Website and Facebook

The Armidale Diocesan Primary Sport Council  has a website and Facebook page where you can go to find details on the various Diocesan and sporting events. 

The web addresses are below:


Pathway for progression in primary sport in Armidale Diocesan Schools.

  1. School Carnival or Trials
  2. Diocesan Carnival
  3. Polding Carnival
  5. National Primary All Schools