Our Faith - Religious Education

Mrs Jessica Scully

Chrism Mass

We will send Year 6 students to the Chrism Mass at 11am on Tuesday the 4th of April. The oils that are blessed are especially relevant for Confirmation candidates. Parents and Friends are more than welcome to join us for this celebration. 

Palm Sunday

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. In the Gospel reading from Matthew, Jesus sends his disciples to find a donkey and her colt. The disciples place clothes on the animals’ backs, and then Jesus rides into Jerusalem on the donkey. The people throw their cloaks on the ground and wave branches and shout Hosanna, which means 'save us'. There is great excitement as the people welcome Jesus and praise God.

Mini Vinnies

We have had such a wonderful and busy Term of Mini Vinnies. The students have conducted themselves with grace, respect and determination. What a great bunch of students that are committed to making a difference in our world! 


Last week we had the privilege of having Mrs Cassie Croft attend our Commissioning Ceremony. Mrs Croft spoke about her important role working at St Vincent De Paul in Armidale and sharing some outside experiences that students may like to be involved in. After her presentation, the following students read a pledge and received their Mini Vinnies badges. 


Congratulations to the following 2023 Mini Vinnies Members- 

Eleanor Flannery

Jayda Frost-Bell

Lucy Bible

Milly Stace

Ruby Pett

Atalia Seymour

Audrey Heather

Mercy Suluma

Lilliarna O'Brien

Eliza Rose

Scarlett Crosby

Violet Gadd

Darcy Stibbard

Imogen Kelso

Jake Siddell

Mikayla Pavy

Anneliese Berney

Ellen Schumacher

Caitlin Rogers

Jessica Miller

Amelia Howard

Maeve Curry

Elly Biddle

Natasha Cawley

Mini Vinnies Leaders

This year the students elected to vote for Mini Vinnies Leaders again. This responsibility allows selected students to chair meetings and take ownership of the group. As I approach the beginning of Maternity Leave, it gives me great pleasure to leave the Mini Vinnies group in the great hands of the following leaders - 


President - Mercy Suluma 

Vice President - Maeve Curry

Secretary - Elly Biddle 

Treasurer - Audrey Heather

Spiritual Advisor - Lucy Bible 


The students will receive their badges next term. 

Easter Prayer Assembly - Wednesday 5th April

We invite parents and friends to join classes to celebrate an Easter Prayer Assembly on Wednesday 5/4/23. Infants (Kindergarten to Year 2) will present from 10:15am - 10:45am and Primary (Years 3-6) will present after morning tea at 11:30am-12:15pm. Both Assemblies will take place in the school hall. 


Thank you to our wonderful teachers for preparing students for these special assemblies. 

Project Compassion Boxes

We encourage families to donate during the season of lent to support the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people living in poverty. Together, we can make a difference now, and For All Future Generations. These boxes will be need to be sent back to  school in Week 11. 

Project Compassion Coin Line 

Thank you to all of the staff and students who participated in the Coin Line Fundraiser today. 

Parish Events - Easter Masses

HOLY WEEK  - EASTER Celebrations  / Masses St Mary's & St Joseph's Cathedral 

  • Palm Sunday  -1st April 6pm Vigil,  2nd April   8am, 10am Main Liturgy & 5:30pm
  • Chrism Mass -  4th April 11am (Tuesday)
  • Holy Thursday - 6th April Mass of the Lord's Supper 6pm
  • Good Friday - 7th April Prayer of the Church - 9.30am, Stations of the Cross (Cathedral) 11am Live Stations of the Cross (reenactment) begining in Cathedral
  • Holy Saturday  - 8th April Easter Vigil 7.30 pm
  • Easter Sunday - 9th April 8am, 10am and 5.30 pm

Sacramental Programs for 2023

If your child is unable to attend one of these sessions, please contact Tina (6772 2218) at the Parish Office closer to the date. 


Sacramental Dates 2023

Wed 26th April 2023 - Confirmation Enrolment/ Information Evening (5:30pm) 

Sun 30th April 2023 - Confirmation Lesson 1 (9am) 

Sun 7th May 2023 - Confirmation Lesson 2 (9am)

Sun 14th May 2023 - Confirmation Lesson 3 (9am)

Sun 21st May 2023 - Confirmation Lesson 4 (9am)

Fri 26th May 2023 - Confirmation Rehearsal with Reconciliation available (3:30-5:00 pm) 

Sun 28th May 2023 - Pentecost- Celebration of Confirmation (10am)


Wed 26th July 2023 - Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Enrolment / Information Evening (5:30pm)  

Sun 30th July 2023 - Reconciliation Lesson 1 (9am) 

Sun 6th August 2023 - Reconciliation Lesson 2 (9am) 

Sun 13th August 2023 - Reconciliation Lesson 3 (9am) 

Wed 16th August 2023 - First Reconciliation rehearsal (4pm) and celebration (5pm) 

Sun 20th August 2023 - First Holy Communion Lesson 1 (9am) 

Sun 27th August 2023 - First Holy Communion Lesson 2 (9am) 

Sun 3rd September 2023 - First Holy Communion Lesson 3 (9am) 

Sun 8th September 2023 - First Holy Communion Rehearsal with Reconciliation available (3:30-5:00 pm) 

Sun 10th September 2023 - First Holy Communion celebrated (10am) 


Proposed Family/ Youth Masses for 2023 

Term 1- Sunday 26th March - 5:30pm 

Term 2- Sunday 28th May - 10am Celebration of Confirmation

Term 3- Sunday 10th September - 10am Celebration of FHC

Term 4- Sunday 26th November - 5:30pm

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish Weekend Mass Times:

Saturday 9 am & 6 pm

Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm

PRAYER  - Diocesan Prayer Card

A Diocesan Prayer has been written and published.