Farewell - Jayne Timms

Next week, we farewell our Assistant Principal, Jayne Timms, after 30 years of incredible service and deep commitment to Black Rock Primary School and our community. 


Jayne commenced teaching in 1985, with her fondly remembered ‘first post’ in Shepparton, before returning to Melbourne where she transferred briefly to Montmorency PS and Chadstone Park PS. In 1990 Black Rock Primary School became not only her career “home”, but also a central element in family life as well. From that time, if Jayne was not officially working at BRPS she would most likely be supporting her own four children as they traversed their primary years at the school. 


From the start Jayne has always maintained an enthusiastic sense of optimism and fun. Jayne has held many roles at the school throughout her career, including teaching a range of classes from Prep to Grade 6, specialist teaching roles, accelerated learning classes, Science Specialist and Assistant Principal. She has had heavy involvement in, and maybe even instigation of, some of our much-loved events within the school, such as our concerts, senior school socials and the bike hike. 


Jayne has shone in her role as Assistant Principal and, understanding the importance of a strong community, is a wonderful connector. If you think community events you think of Jayne - Fetes, concerts, parent committee meetings, social events and sausage sizzles, “Mrs Timms” is there getting everything (and everyone) sorted and ready with a cheery thank you as she rushes off to complete the next task on her never-ending lists. Jayne has also been successful in writing and receiving grants and creating fundraising efforts - you can just look around the school to see her success from the newly launched adventure playground, the stage we stand on, the updated Foundation playground and gardens, the now lush green oval, the Urban Farm and so many other areas have been in some way thanks to her tireless work and optimism.  She has always been on call at any time of the day, night or even weekends to help with school related matters, way beyond the scope of her everyday role! 


Jayne’s true passion, though, is her commitment to the kids and our school community and she thrives on building strong relationships. Jayne has been a rock-solid bridge between parents/families and the school. In recent years, Jayne has been a champion for inclusion and has worked to ensure that every student, no matter their needs or ability, is provided with every opportunity to reach their potential. It is often the unheralded work that makes the biggest difference - the time spent with the kids that can’t quite get through the school gate in the morning, or need the extra help with their friendships, or just need another adult in the school who can support them with making strong connections to school. There are countless students and families who have appreciated Jayne’s time and support, most of which has flown under the radar.

Farewell Assembly

Jayne’s final day will be next Friday, 12th May. Due to other events occurring next week, we will be holding a farewell assembly on Friday 26th May at 3pm. Please check your Compass News Feed for further details next week.  

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