Deputy Principal

Mr Daniel Lapolla 

Founder’s Day

Today we celebrated Our Founder’s Day in acknowledging the life and work of Edmund Rice. It is an important part of our identity and spirit here at our College. There are so many significant messages which can be taken from it. One of particular note is the opportunity it provides to highlight and strengthen the relationship between staff and students. Our Pastoral Care teachers provide the foundation of support for your boys. I am a strong believer in the Pastoral Care teacher being the number one advocate and the person who know your son the best. We witnessed many activities and traditions being run and organised within our Pastoral Care groups which will only strengthen this bond and connection. 

Open Dialogue

With Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences feeling like a distant memory, it is important to highlight how important continued communication is. I cannot encourage our boys enough to ask and seek clarification when unsure. We want our boys to feel supported and for this to take place we need to know how they are travelling. The boy mentality at times can look to avoid this with the intention of going unnoticed. For parents the checking of PAM and your son’s Simon dashboard should be part of your regular routines.

Get Involved

Another term presents another round of opportunities to experience. All students should be involved and contributing in one way or another. We are blessed at SVC to have so many staff willing to provide such a wide array of experiences. Getting involved in an activity provides a means of engaging with other peers, building relationships with staff, getting out of your comfort zone, learning new skills or simply just enjoying yourself. I strongly encourage our boys to take the lead and get involved, for when we feel as though we belong, we build a sense of pride and passion for who we are and what we stand for.

Year 11s

During the holiday period we communicated a number of student agreements as we progress through acknowledging the adult learner. Please ensure you have these agreements saved; they can also be accessed through our parent handbook for when they become applicable to your son. As always, our intention is to strengthen partnership for the betterment of student outcomes.

  • Permission to drive to and from school.
  • Study Line Agreement.
  • Cross Campus Travel Agreement.