From the Principal

Mr Jon Franzin 

Dear Parents, Students and Friends of St Virgil’s,

Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice

Today we celebrated the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice with a College Mass for students and staff followed by a shared lunch and afternoon activities. So, what are we celebrating?


It is about the man, his legacy, our identity as a school and the example he gives us for our own lives. In the media saturated world of our students, where the cult of the celebrity, the sporting hero, the superstar and the reality TV contestant seems to dominate their view of what it means to be successful, the story of Edmund Rice is an inspiring antidote to any misplaced ideas about what it means to be a successful person with a meaningful life. That is because he was no superstar, but as an ordinary man followed the dictates of his heart when moved with compassion for the poor young uneducated boys of Waterford, responding in a practical way by feeding, clothing and teaching them. He was not driven by fame, status or money, but by an uncomplicated faith in Jesus and his sense of compassion, he started and inspired a movement, which has improved the lives of millions, and still does so today through the various Edmund Rice ministries, including St Virgil’s College. 


Thank you to Fr Suresh for leading us in the celebration, the organisation of our Assistant Principal - Religious Identity & Mission, Mrs Kim Mooney and the music led by Director of Music, Mr Jack Machin. I also thank the Food Technology Department, led by Mr Aaron Lucas and his team for feeding our young men and staff. It is greatly appreciated.

Staffing Matters 

Property Services Manager

Mr Sean Morgan has advised me of his intention to resign from his position as Property Services Manager to take up a role with the Archdiocese of Hobart. Mr Morgan will conclude his role at the end of this month when we have an opportunity to thank him for his dedicated service to our community.


College Psychologist

After more than seven years, Ms Jo Morgan, College Psychologist will retire at the end of this term. Ms Morgan has played a significant role in the many lives of students and their families at the College and has been an instrumental member of the Student Welfare Team. We will have an opportunity to thank and congratulate Ms Morgan for her work at the College prior to her departure. 


Both roles will be advertised shortly and I will advise the College accordingly once replacements have been confirmed.   

Edmund Rice Beyond Borders Congress

A reminder that I will be attending the Edmund Rice Beyond Borders Congress in Ireland (6-28 May) and during this time Daniel Lapolla will be Acting Principal. I thank Mr Lapolla for taking on additional duties during my absence. 


Best wishes for the week ahead. 


Jon Franzin