Dear Robbie Mac Families, 


It’s nearly the end of Term 1 and the school holidays are fast approaching. The school community had been gearing up for the RMPS Art Show and the RMPS Community School Fair which happened on 17-18 March 2023. Thank you to the school staff and members of our school community who had tirelessly put in many hours of preparation for the event as well as to those who helped on the day. I am sure we can all agree that both events were a huge success in bringing our community together after a challenging past few years. 




The PFA held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 23 March 2023 to elect the office bearers for 2023. A big thank you to our School Principal, Peter Watson, for overseeing the election of the 2023 PFA Executive Committee. 


The PFA is continuing on and the 2023 PFA executives are: 


  • Wen Li (President) – mother of Arthur (1B) 
  • Elizabeth (Secretary) – mother of Sarah (4D)
  • Bård (Treasurer) – father of Madeleine (4D) and Aksel (FP) 


Congratulations to Elizabeth and Bård for being re-elected for another term in office! 


In 2022, the PFA managed to raise $19,800 for the school where the funds would go towards building an indigenous garden playground for the students to enjoy. Thank you to the 2022 PFA Executive Committee for all your hard work and contribution. 


We are delighted to be able to help with raising much needed funds and provide opportunities for everyone in the community to build new friendships and make lasting memories of their schooling years through PFA events. 


Upcoming PFA Events


The PFA have some exciting events planned for the year to put to School Council. In Term 2, we plan to hold a fundraising event and then, a Parents and Carers’ Night for Term 2 or 3. During Term 3, we are hoping to hold the School Disco. As with previous years, the PFA will host the Foundation Morning/Afternoon Teas during Term 3 and 4 to welcome new families who will be joining the school in 2024. As the weather warms up in Term 4, we will have the School Colour Fun Run which is a much beloved event for all students. The PFA will also host a World Teachers’ Day Morning Tea on 27 October to show our appreciation to all staff at the school. And watch this space for a Referendum Day fundraiser, most likely in Term 4.


We have several other suggestions raised at the AGM to consider and welcome hearing of any ideas you may have that you would be happy to coordinate, possibly with someone else. Please email us at if you are keen to get involved and/or have your own suggestion.


Further communication will be sent out as our planning continues.




The PFA is a group of volunteer parents and carers who help organise events and fundraising activities for RMPS, welcome families and bring people together from within the community. This helps us all connect more closely with our school and to raise funds for school improvements. Without volunteers, there would be no PFA. 


All RMPS parents and carers are welcome to register as PFA members, enabling them to receive copies of meeting minutes, vote on items/actions and office bearer roles, and be elected to office. If you would like to register as a member, please contact us via for a copy of the registration form. 


Note: You do not need to be a member to help at events or attend meetings. 


Next meeting: Term 2 (date TBC)


Please email us at if you'd like more information on the PFA, have an idea you’d like to share with us or would like to get involved in any activities. 


Wishing all students and families a safe and enjoyable Easter break and school holidays! 


From the PFA Team – Wen Li, Elizabeth and Bård