Facilities update

Capital works program
The fit out of the bottom of the A building is now scheduled for completion by 14 July, so it is a little behind the original completion date. We are working with Whitehorse Council to change the address of the College to Box Hill Crescent. This forms part of the Masterplan to reorient the front entrance to align with the new administration area.
Minor capital works
Plans for the refurbishment of the student amenities block are now finalised and due to be released to tender by 1 June.
Works completed over the term break
Once again, the College was buzzing with our facilities and ICT teams and contractors attending to maintenance and improvement tasks over the break. A great deal of planning goes into scheduling these works so they can be completed in the short time available. A big thank you to Darren Milk, Pete Martin and Matt George, who get through so much during the breaks. Thanks also to Jim West for ensuring our asbestos and safety requirements are current. This is a snapshot of work completed:
-New powder coated black steel fencing and gates along Box Hill Crescent up to car park entrance. Removal of all excess concrete, gravel and dirt
-New powder coated double gates installed on the existing brick pillars along Elgar road entrance
-Outside ramp adjacent to senior area toilet blocks re-carpeted with new marine carpet
-Four basketball rings removed from west walkway area and relocated to lower part of bitumen basketball courts. An additional four had new backboards and hoops fitted
-OHS issue resolved where basketball activities were a danger to pedestrians walking through along with being a potential trip/fall injury to players due to gutters. Also part of the PFA oval transformation project as seating is proposed for along this area
-Large mulch pile on oval half removed and distributed to garden beds (ongoing).
-Garden bed down the side of Year 11 locker bays, cleaned, weeded and covered with mulch -Whole campus - mowing, edging, weeding, grounds cleanup and general maintenance.
-Room 23 refurbished - fully repainted and new blinds north side
-Room 55 refurbished – painted, new carpets, replacement whiteboards installed, new blinds south side, redundant electrical points removed, new projector installed
-Room 18 – carpet re-stretched
-All portable air purifiers cleaned and filters changed
-Whiteboards cleaned and clocks changed to non-daylight saving, new batteries installed
-Rooms audited for condition of carpet, chairs, tables, blinds/curtains, paint, graffiti, fluro tubes that need replacing, etc
-Amenities block - boys and girls cubicles painted
-Repair window frame on Music school outdoor office window
-Various repairs to switches, light fittings and power points
-PA system repairs (bells and announcements now audible across entire school)
-Emergency lighting checks carried out
-New power and lighting added to maintenance storage shed (two school vehicles, trailer and surplus supplies)
-Test and tag new electrical items
-Mains Water backflow testing carried out
-New sink unit and tap installed in Science room 21
-Cistern repairs
-Multiple leaking taps repaired while mains water was down for backflow test
-Installed four new stop taps in staff toilets hand basins in Library
Safe Trees Program
Koonung Secondary College, while a school with many buildings and paved areas, also has green space with both gardens and native trees. This provides outdoor spaces for our students, staff and the community to use. As part of our safety compliance measures, Koonung SC engages an arborist to undertake an audit of our trees. This allows us to ensure they are monitored, pruned and re-assessed as required. Unfortunately, the arborist has identified a number of our trees that are classified as requiring high priority action, with nine trees on the site recommended to be removed.
The safety of our students and staff is paramount, and as such the College has scheduled for the arborist to remove the unsafe trees as soon as possible. These works are scheduled to begin on 31 May and should take 3 days to complete. As per guidelines, all trees removed for safety reasons will be replaced on a two for one basis. This will ensure that Koonung continues to fit within the character of the local area with green spaces for our students and community to enjoy.