College Notices

Health Centre Reminder
Please remember that it is very important to keep your child at home if they are unwell in the morning. Some students are coming to school as their parents are telling them to “See how you go". Please note that any student who is unwell will be sent home.
Please be aware that it is not possible for the staff at school to give any medication, even paracetamol, unless it has been supplied with a GP letter or prescription label.
There are many students who are suffering from hay fever this season and are asking for anti-histamine medication. This is a medication that can be given in the morning, and it should get the student through the day, so please be alert to the pollen count/high hay fever days and make sure your student has taken medication before school.
We are also approaching the Thunderstorm Asthma season. All students who suffer from Asthma should have a current Ventolin/Asthmol puffer and spacer in their school bags.
In addition, please check your child’s medical details and your parent/carer contact details and update anything that is out of date or changed.
Helen Lamers
College nurse
Visitors and WWCC
Koonung Secondary College values the many volunteers that assist in our classrooms, with sports events, camps/excursions, school concerts, other events and programs. To ensure Koonung Secondary College is a child safe environment, visitors will be required to undertake suitability checks, which in most cases include a Working With Children (WWCC) Check. Volunteers are to produce their valid card to a member of the administration team for verification in the following circumstances:
• Volunteers who are not parent/family members of any student at the school are required to have a WWCC Check if they are engaged in child-related work regardless of whether they are being supervised
• Parent/family volunteers who are assisting with any classroom or school activities involving direct contact with children in circumstances where the volunteer’s child is not participating, or does not ordinarily participate in, the activity
• Parent/family volunteers who assist with excursions and activities, including productions, camps and similar events, regardless of whether their own child is participating or not
• Parent/community School Council members sitting on School Council with student School Council members, regardless of whether their own child is a student member or not.
Further information is available in our visitors and volunteers policies, which can be found in school documentation on Compass.
Student accident insurance arrangements
Families are reminded that neither Koonung Secondary College nor the Department of Education provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and carers are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. Student accident insurance policies are available from some commercial insurers. These cover a range of medical expenses not covered by Medicare or private health insurance.
It is recommended that families seek assistance in this matter with their insurance broker or find a suitable personal accident insurer.
Occupational Health & Safety at Koonung
The Department of Education has a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Management System which has been in place at Koonung for some years. This helps to provide a safe school environment for staff, students, parents and contractors.
Please take note of the following:
Traffic within the College grounds
Student drop-off and pick-up is not permitted within the College grounds unless the student is injured or disabled. All traffic entering the school grounds must observe the speed limit of 10kmh (ie walking pace).
Smoking and vaping
It is an offence to smoke or vape anywhere within the College grounds and within 4 metres of all school ground entrances. This applies 24/7 regardless of whether or not students are at school.
Stace Kerr
Business Manager
Things to look forward to in 2023!
We are very excited that the musical this year will be 'Seussical'. Stay tuned for further details.
Instrumental Music Concerts
Students learning instruments at Koonung will present two concerts showcasing their work this semester.
- Concert 1 Wednesday 31 May
- Concert 2 Thursday 1 June
Tickets are available via the following Trybooking link:
Parents, carers and Koonung graduates …
We would like to hear from any parents, carers or former Koonung graduates who have completed an apprenticeship, traineeship, went to university through an alternative entry program or have done further education and training to get into the career they are now in. We would like to invite you/them to talk to our Vocational Major students who may follow a similar path post Year 12.
In particular we are looking for:
- Tradies of any type including plumbers, electricians, carpenters, cabinet makers etc
- Early Childhood Educators
- Hairdressers
- Chef / other kitchen positions
- Automotive technician, mechanic or other automotive industry position
- Sport and recreation such as Gym Managers etc
If you can help, please contact Nancy Manders, Koonung’s Alumni Program Coordinator, via email THANK YOU!!
Update from Kinetic - Term 2