A Message from David & Cam...
It was wonderful seeing everyone fresh, rested and smiling as they arrived back to school on Wednesday. We have loved walking to the classrooms and being warmly greeted by all of the students and hearing tales of their holidays. We trust that you all enjoyed the holiday break and that all the students enjoyed their time away from school having fun with family and friends. We have had a really positive start to Term 2 and are looking forward to a very busy and exciting (but quite short) term ahead.
Playground Updates
There was a lot of excitement on Wednesday morning when the students arrived to find the sports field was completed and the KEFAR town cubbies were open. It was terrific to see the students enjoying the new facilities by playing basketball and soccer, having races around the track and partaking in imaginative play in the cubbies. When we look around our grounds we are so thrilled to have the space and array of activities for the students to enjoy - our beautiful school just keeps getting better!
Colour Explosion
What an amazing and fun-filled event! The Colour Explosion has once again solidified itself as one of the most fun events on the AGPS calendar. Seeing all of the students running through the obstacle course, being chased by water cannons, being blasted with colour and sliding through slime was such a joy.
This event was made possible by the hard work of many dedicated parents. We would like to acknowledge Victoria, Daniel and Haley for their efforts throughout the whole process and to the parents that dedicated their whole day to setting up our course and helping out during the event. There was a significant amount of work behind the scenes but seeing all the smiles certainly made it all worth it!
We would also like to thank and congratulate the whole school community for their tremendous support of this event. We greatly exceeded our fundraising target and raised a massive $23,474! The money raised through this event will go directly to further enhancing our STEM program, facilities and resources. Thank you all for donating, sharing the donations page and supporting our school. It is greatly appreciated!
Slime Time!
If you attended our final Term 1 assembly you would have seen the absolute joy on all the students (and adults) faces as Cam got a bucket of slime poured on his head. Cam challenged the school community to raise $20,000 for the opportunity to slime him on stage and the community responded. We asked the teachers to list the top 3 students in their class with the most KEFAR tokens to go into the draw to slime Cam. Eli and Dougie were the lucky students and they loved the experience of sliming Cam on stage.
A huge thank you to Cam for being such a great sport. This was a really great way to end a really great term.
Term 2 Events
Term 2 is a short one this year (only 9 weeks!) but we have many exciting events and activities planned. Further details about all of these events will be sent via Compass and future newsletters.
- Mother & Special Person's Day (12th May) - We invite all mothers and special people to attend a picnic at the school from 1:00pm - 3:15pm. You will be invited to have lunch with the children and then attend a special session in the afternoon in the classes. There will be pancakes, with maple syrup and butter served at a cost of $7.50 per serve. Each serve will have 2 pancakes and Vegan and gluten free options are available. These can be ordered here: https://compasstix.com/e/d2yycvnxxu
- Athletics Carnival & Prep - 2 Sports Day (11th May) - Our Year 3-6 students will be participating in our Athletics Carnival at Newport Athletics Track and our P-2 students will enjoy a tabloid sports/games day at school.
- ES Day (16th May) - A day to thank and celebrate our wonderful Education Support Staff
- Laverton District Cross Country (16th May)
- Education Week (14th - 20th May). Theme: Active Learners Move, Make, Motivate’ which celebrates physical activity, hands-on-learning and student voice in education.
- Reconciliation Week (27th May - 3rd June). Theme: Be a Voice for Generations. The theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise.
- National Simultaneous Storytime (24th May) - AGPS is joining in the annual event where a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country.
- School Disco (22nd June) - a fun event for the students to celebrate the end of term.
- Excursions and Incursions - There are a range of different excursions and incursions that are being planned by the different teaching teams to support the Term 2 curriculum programs.
Year 6-7 Transition
Cam met with the Grade 6 students on Thursday morning to explain the process of applying for a place in a secondary school. The students asked thoughtful questions and we went through a range of scenarios. To check which secondary school’s zone you are in, please go to www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au and type in your home address.
Please go through the handout that your child brought home and if you have any questions Cam is more than happy to speak with you.
The forms need to be completed and returned to school at the latest by Friday 12th May. It is a very tight timeframe to then prepare the information for the distribution to the secondary schools so your adherance to the timeframe is greatly appreciated.
Grade 4 Camp
The Grade 4 camp to Camp Arrabri is rapidly approaching! We can't wait to tackle fun activities such as the Giant Swing, Archery, Flying Fox, Orienteering and more!
The Grade 4/5 team is finalising the organisational aspects of the camp and an information sheet explaining the facilities, contact numbers, teachers attending and other key information will be communicated next week.
If your child needs medication during camp or has a dietary requirement, please complete the forms that have been given to your children and return them to school by this Friday at the latest. Thank you to those families that have already done this.
As has already been communicated the departure time is now 8am sharp due to roadworks following a landslide. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring your child's timeliness on morning of departure.
Take care,
David & Cam