Physics Units 1 & 2

Year 11

What is this subject about?

The study of VCE Physics involves investigating, understanding and explaining the behaviour of physical phenomena in the Universe. Models, including mathematical models, are used to explore, simplify and predict how physical systems behave at varying scales from the very small (quantum and particle physics) through to the very large (astronomy and cosmology). Beginning with classical ideas and considering their limitations, and then being introduced to more modern explanations of the world, provides a novel lens through which students experience the world around them, drawing on their natural curiosity and wonder.

In 2023, a new study design begins for Physics Unit 1 and 2. We will explore a wide range of concepts, including electricity, light, thermodynamics, climate change, nuclear processes, forces/motion and investigate how physics can help resolve modern or contemporary issues in our society.



Unit 1: How is energy useful to society?

Unit 2: How does physics help us to understand the world?



Skills you will develop


  • Problem solving
  • Collaboration
  • Experimental design and analysis
  • Working with mathematical equations
  • Research Skills


  • Practical reports and poster
  • Data analyses
  • Tests
  • Oral presentation



Studying physics can lead to the following careers

  • Engineering
  • Technician
  • Medical imaging
  • Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Sports Science
  • Scientist
  • Astronomer
  • Computing

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for entry into Unit 1, but Physics Unit 1 but strongly recommended students also study Maths Methods


If you are interested in this subject please see Mr Saleem Zafar