
Units 1 & 2 

Year 11

What is the subject about?

What is the subject about?

Units 1 & 2 EAL explores texts to develop students’ understanding of how stories or aspects of stories resonate with their own memories and lives. Students make connections with key ideas, values and concerns presented in a text and appreciate the role of vocabulary, text structures and language features in creating story and meaning. Students also engage with and develop an understanding of effective and cohesive writing. They apply, extend and challenge their understanding and use of imaginative, persuasive and informative text through a growing awareness of situated contexts, stated purposes and audience.



Unit 1: Reading and exploring texts AND Creating texts 

Unit 2: Reading and exploring texts AND Exploring argument 


 Skills you will develop

  • strategies for inferential reading and viewing
  • reading and engaging with a text for meaning
  • recognising and commenting on vocabulary, text structures, language features and ideas used in effective writing 
  • develop and employ writing processes
  • summarise the key points in arguments using skills such as note-taking and annotation
  • developing an analysis of persuasive texts
  • applying the conventions of discussion and debate


  • A personal response to a set text
  • Two student-created texts such as: short stories, essays, feature articles
  • An analytical response to a set text
  • An analysis of the use of argument and persuasive language
  • An oral presentation of a point of view text


The study aims to prepare students for further English-language education, tertiary or vocational education, and future employment. 



Students should show the capacity to attain an overall EAL level of C2.3 and above. 


For more information about this prerequisite subject please see Mr Phil Wrochna



Video overview of EAL English 1 and 2 for Year 11