
Units 1 & 2

Year 11

What is this subject about?

In Unit 1&2 Media students develop an understanding of audiences and the core concepts underpinning the construction of representations and meaning in different media forms. They develop research skills to investigate and analyse selected narratives focusing on the influence of media professionals on production genre and style. Students work in a range of media forms and develop and produce representations to demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of each media form, and how they contribute to the communication of meaning. Students develop an understanding of the concept of narrative in media products and forms in different contexts. They undertake production activities to design and create narratives that demonstrate an awareness of the structures and media codes and conventions









“I enjoy Media because it offers me freedom to create anything I want to”.


Anton Webber.









Unit 1: Media forms, representations and Australian Stories

Unit 2: Narrative across media forms


Skills you will develop

  • Understand the nature and form of media representations
  • Analyse codes and conventions used to construct media products
  • Operate media technologies to produce media products
  • Analyse the structure of narratives in different media forms


  • Media Representations – Production 
  • Media Analysis – Written Test, Reports, Presentations
  • Narrative - Production


 Studying Media can lead to the following careers.

  • Director
  • Actor
  • Writer
  • Camera Operator
  • Producer
  • Journalist

There are no prerequisites for entry into Units 1,2,3.


If you are interested in this subject, please see Ayan Abeysekera.


Video overview of Media 1 and 2 for Year 11