Art Creative 


Units 1 & 2 

Year 11

What is the subject about?

What is the subject about?

In Unit 1&2 Art Creative Practice, students focus on the making of art and examine how artists communicate ideas and meaning in artworks. They explore the practices of artists who have been inspired by ideas relating to personal identity. They study at least three artists and at least one artwork from each of the selected artists. Students use a range of materials, techniques, processes and art forms to create a body of experimental work in response to their research of the practices of artists and their personal observations of artworks. They also explore the collaborative practices of artists and use the Creative Practice to make and present artworks.

"I like Art Creative Practice because it gives me the ability to express myself without restrictions”.   Jess Tapp.



Unit 1: Interpreting artworks and exploring the Creative practice

Unit 2: Interpreting artworks and exploring the Creative practice

Skills you will develop

  • Use the art lenses to analyse and interpret artworks
  • Experiment with a variety of materials, techniques and processes using the Creative Practice
  • Develop visual language to communicate ideas of interest
  • Explore collaborative approaches to making artworks.


  • Body of Work – Art Folio
  • Art Analysis – Written test


Studying Art Creative Practice can lead to the following careers.

  • Concept Artist
  • Illustrator
  • Photographer
  • Animator
  • Graphic Designer
  • Fine Artist

There are no prerequisites for entry into Units 1,2,3.




If you are interested in this subject please see Ayan Abeysekera.