Outdoor & 



Units 1 & 2

Year 11

What is the subject about?

What is the subject about?

Unit 1 – Connections with outdoor environments

  • AOS 1: Our place in outdoor environments
  • AOS 2: Exploring outdoor environments
  • AOS 3: Safe and sustainable participation in outdoor experiences

This unit examines some of the ways in which Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples understand and relate to nature through experiencing outdoor environments. The focus is on individuals and their personal responses to experiencing outdoor environments. 

Students are provided with the opportunity to explore the many ways in which nature is understood and perceived. Students develop a clear understanding of the range of motivations for interacting with outdoor environments, the factors that affect an individual’s access to experiencing outdoor environments and how they connect with outdoor environments.  




Unit 2 – Discovering outdoor environments

  • AOS 1: Understanding outdoor environments
  • AOS 2: Observing impacts on outdoor environments
  • AOS 3: Independent participation in outdoor environments

This unit focusses on the different ways to understand outdoor environments and the impacts of humans on outdoor environments.  

Students study the effects of natural changes and the impacts of land management practices on the sustainability of outdoor environments by examining a number of case studies of specific outdoor environments, including areas where there is evidence of human intervention. Throughout this course you will participate in outdoor experiences to develop practical skills and knowledge to help you live sustainably in outdoor environments and connect the theoretical course content with the real world. 


Skills you will develop

  • Compare the variety of ways in which Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples experience and understand outdoor environments
  • Explain factors that affect access to experiencing outdoor environments
  • Explain the influence of relevant technologies on experiencing outdoor environments
  • Identify hazards, analyse risks and suggest controls for an outdoor experience in a chosen environment 
  • Plan for participation in a range of safe and sustainable outdoor experiences


  • Written tests
  • Journal reflections
  • Practical participation
  • Workbook tasks


  • Year 12 Outdoor & Environmental Studies (Unit 3 & 4)
  • Further study (Cert III or IV in Outdoor Recreation)
  • Employment (Parks Vic, OEG)




Practical experiences (Trips)

  • Coastal excursion (snorkelling/surf kayak/SUP)
  • Surfing
  • Kayaking
  • Conservation work
  • Rock climbing
  • Multi-day bushwalk






If you are interested in this subject please see Tyler Emmerson or John Fisher