Business Management 

Units 1 & 2

Year 11

What is the subject about?

Unit 1 and 2 Business Management investigates how businesses are created and developed, and how business innovation and entrepreneurship can be fostered in a nation. It examines all of the internal and external elements that may act as pressures or factors on the operation of a business. It considers how business planning decisions have an effect on the success of a business. It introduces all of the legal requirements and financial considerations that are vital to establishing a business and explains the importance of establishing a customer base and a marketing presence.



Unit 1: Planning a business

Unit 2: Establishing a business

Skills you will develop

  • Identify business opportunities and acquire business information and ideas
  • Analyse case studies and research current business examples
  • Apply business management knowledge to practical or simulated business situations
  • Evaluate costs and benefits of – business decisions, establishing customer bases, marketing a business, and positive public relations


  • Business Interview Report
  • Case study analysis and tests
  • Scenario formation
  • Marketing presentations


Studying Business Management can lead to the following career areas:

  • Business owner/Entrepreneur
  • Operations management
  • Marketing
  • Human resources
  • Finance

There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1, 2 and 3


If you are interested in this subject please see Ms Gurrie or Mr Jenkins


Video overview of Business Management 1 and 2 for Year 11