Legal Studies 

Units 1 & 2

Year 11

What is the subject about?

"Legal Studies is a fun subject, as you get to learn about the many components that make up a crime. You also can relate it to things you may hear on the news." 

Mikaela Apps


What is the subject about?

Unit 1&2 Legal studies examines the institutions and principles of the legal system.

 Students develop an understanding of criminal and civil law, law-makers including parliament and the courts, the justice system and how rights are protection in Australia. Using a range of actual and hypothetical scenarios, students develop their ability to use legal reasoning to argue a case. Students also learn about their role as a global citizen including their own rights and responsibilities to achieve a socially cohesive society.


Unit 1: The Presumption of Innocence

Unit 2: Wrongs and Rights


Skills you will develop

  • Understand and apply legal terminology
  • Apply legal principles to actual and hypothetical situations
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the legal system
  • Analyse how justice can be achieved


  • Case study reports
  • Presentations
  • Written tests



Studying Legal Studies can lead to the following careers

  • Police officer
  • Judges Associate
  • Law Clark
  • Paralegal
  • Lawyer

There are no prerequisites for entry to Units 1, 2 and 3

If you are interested in this subject please see Mr Melnik



Overview of Legal Studies 1 and 2