22 – 26  JUNE 2020

On Monday 9 December all 2020 Year 10 students attended an assembly where they were introduced to their Work Experience Program.  The students were also given their Work Experience packs so they can make a start on finding their 2020 Year 10 Work Experience placement over the Christmas holidays. 


The Work Experience forms are due back on Friday 13 March 2020.  If the students hand their form/s in by the due date they will be given a raffle ticket to go into the draw for a $50.00 JB Hifi voucher.   All forms are to be handed in to Ms Lorelle Molloy in the JRC.


Please note:

If your child is intending to travel in a vehicle with any managers, supervisors or employees of the company they are doing their placement with, they must have the Work Experience Travel Arrangement form completed and signed as well as the Work Experience Arrangement form. 


All signed forms and certificates will be emailed to each employer, parent/guardian and student in the weeks prior to work experience in 2020.


If your child is struggling to secure a placement please ask them to see Ms Molloy when they return in Term 1.


Have a wonderful Christmas break and a safe and happy New Year.     


Ms Lorelle Molloy

Work Experience Coordinator