Sustainability at NPS 

Sustainability Committee update.

As we continue to work on the ‘Resource Smart School’s Program’, we would like to thank Dee for collating data to push for the first module ‘CORE’ which is now close to completion and Kaye for facilitating the information required from the school.  Gracias!


We have five Resource Smart School Modules: Core, Biodiversity, Energy, Waste and Water.  All modules focus on building a whole school approach through daily operations, learning, teaching and school community engagement.


Hopefully, the cancelled PD (due to COVID-19) for NPS staff, that are part of our school’s commitment to Resource Smart, will be rescheduled for the end of Term 4.  The PD will be curriculum focused and entitled ‘Education for Substantiality’, allowing the teachers to gain knowledge and have resources to effortlessly link the curriculum with sustainability activities that will thus enhance the learning of the students at NPS.


If you would like any more information about any of the projects we are currently in or to get involved we would like to invite you to join the sustainability committee in the future. If you are keen, skilled, have ideas or are just interested to see what we are up to and meet some new folks please contact Mike ( to be added to the sustainability Google group.

Our Sustainability leaders need you. 

NPS Sustainability captains Douglas and Gabriella need your help! They want everyone of you to collect bread tags at home. Doesn't matter the size or the colour, we want them all! 


Bread tags are made of high impact polystyrene (Type 6 PS Plastic) which is denser than many other types of plastic, making them compact and easy to recycle. Because of their small size they are somewhat annoying to big recyclers, but for small local recyclers with specialist machinery, it’s simple. So much so that they can skip the shredding stage of the recycle process, going straight to melting and extruding the plastic. Also, unlike most other plastic waste, bread tags are usually clean.


Our goal is to raise 3300 tags, which is roughly 1kg, so we are able to send them to be recycled and turned into something useful again. If every family and staff bring 20 bread tags, we can get to our goal. But please bring more if you have. You can set up a jar at your place and involve neighbours and other members of your family!  

Newlands learning stories

We are now part of the Community Hub from Ceres. A space where we are able to post our learning stories that relate to nature, environment, sustainability, etc. But not only that, we are able to find out about upcoming events, professional development and funding opportunities, enrich learning and teaching and connect with other schools, organisations and educator groups. We are excited and we hope you are too! 


If you want to read our first blog entry with a learning story from last year, click on the image below. 


Sustainability at home...

It is not July any more but there is always a good time to reduce the plastic waste. The Plastic Free Foundation have put together a bunch of ideas, videos, posters, etc and a great challenge, to eliminate the use of single use plastic. 


Community Climate Action & Youth For Peace 


Community Climate Action Series

Youth for Peace Award