Principal's Report

Principal’s Message

Remote and Flexible Learning 2.0 Bulletin No.18 


Dear Parents and Carers,


I write to detail the arrangements that are in place for the return to Remote and Flexible Learning 2.0. All current information for parents regarding the Mount View Primary School Remote and Flexible Learning 2.0 can be accessed at the Learning Hub: 


Camp Australia will be conducting the Before and After School Care Program during Remote and Flexible Learning 2.0. Parents will need to register with Camp Australia in order to use the service. 


All students will be working with their class teachers through daily Webex sessions. Webex class sessions begin at 8:50am on Monday morning. All students will attend a ‘whole class’ welcome meeting. Please ensure your child is set up and ready to go. Over the weekend parents and students should watch the ‘How to log on” to Webex tutorial which can be found on the ‘Learning Hub’. 


Students’ groups have been allocated session times and these will be distributed to individual students via their digital platform: Seesaw and/or Google Classroom. Please note that the timetable is very tight and it is vital that families ensure that log ons take place at the assigned time. School Leadership will monitor ‘student absences’ from learning sessions on Webex and will contact parents if necessary. It is essential that all students adhere to the class routine.


Year Level newsletters will be distributed to parents today via a Compass email. 

Some parents have applied to have their children taught onsite due to factors outlined in the government guidelines. Onsite students in Years 4-6 must bring their iPad devices and headphones to school. Onsite students should arrive at, but not before, 8:30 am. Onsite students must sign in at the front office and have their temperature checked by a staff member before proceeding to the Senior Learning Centre. Onsite students will be taught and supervised by a roster of Casual Relief Teachers. All other teachers and educational support staff members will be fully involved in the on-line learning program throughout each day.


 Camp Australia 


As per the recent State Government advice, Term 3 will begin as it started in Term 2. The majority of VIC primary school students will be learning from home. Schools will be open and operational for students that need to attend but where practical, parents are encouraged to keep their children at home.

 Our services remain open to all families. However, should our services start to reach capacity, as per the latest Federal Government advice, we will need to give priority of access to “children of working parents, vulnerable and disadvantaged children that need early education more than ever and parents with pre-existing enrolments.” Should parents choose to send their children to school and require Outside School Hours Care, they must visit our Parent Portal to register their current status.


Glenn Butler
