Student spotlight

Amelie Cox

Amelie Cox (Year 10)
Amelie Cox (Year 10)

What do you enjoy most about science?


The thing I most enjoy about science is learning about how and why things happen, and ways to make the world better. It is very interesting learning about how things work in our world, especially when they are around you every day. However, the most rewarding and enjoyable thing about science is when scientists come up with ways to improve our world. Whether it be a new medicine or a more sustainable practice, it is always exciting.


When did you first start enjoying and feeling connected to science?


I don’t think there really was a time when I started enjoying science, I think I have just always liked it. Growing up I have always been around science, with my Mum working in pathology labs and schools. I have always been interested in how and why things do what they do, and so science has been a clear passion.


What's your favourite area of science? 


My favourite area of science has to be biology and environmental science, mainly agriculture. Ever since I was young I have loved nature and always had a connection to the land. I also loved helping my parents with my veggie patch. I like learning how plants are used to produce food and the human practices involved. I also like learning about how farming can be used sustainably to provide food for us in the future.


What's been your favourite science experiment or discovery so far? 


My favourite science discovery so far is the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). It was a time in history when the earth was so hot Antarctica was a tropical rainforest. This has always interested me because of what we have learnt about the causes of this and the warming and cooling cycle the earth undergoes. It is also relevant today with the current issue surrounding climate change.


What's the thing you've learnt in science that has always stayed with you? What's been a key part of your learning in science? 


One thing I have learnt in science that has always stayed with me would be the ability to ask questions. In science, this is especially useful as you are continually asking why things happen and what would happen 'if'. This ability is also useful in other areas of your life as you learn to not believe things on face value. You instead want to know how or why it is what it is. This is specifically useful in maths and cooking.


Which scientist inspires you and why?


Leonardo da Vinci is one of my favourite scientists because of the many fields he studied in, not just science. His work shows how you do not have to just be interested in one specific area but instead, you can have many interests. Although I don’t think anyone can truly master so many areas like he did.


Do you want to study science and explore this as a career path? If yes, what will be your main focus? 


When I finish my schooling, I want to continue with science as a career. I am still undecided on my main focus however it would either be air-traffic controlling or agricultural science. Agricultural science can lead me to a wide range of opportunities and can enable me to help future generations.


What would be your dream science experience or job? 


My dream science experience or job would be working on producing crops that require less water to produce or more sustainable agriculture practices. This would be really rewarding and could help people in drought-stricken places have access to food. Additionally, with the world facing a food shortage and climate change, I would love to work to find solutions to this.


What is the biggest challenge you've overcome while studying science? 


The biggest challenge I have overcome while studying science is staying on track. Many times when doing assignments or research tasks I find something interesting and learn about that instead of what I am meant to be doing. Although I learn new things, it can become problematic when at the end of the lesson I have heaps of information on a topic not related to my assignment.


What advice would you give to other aspiring science students? 


Just keep asking questions and finding answers to them. Learning new things will help you in all aspects whether it is the subject field or not. Find a good platform that you understand to help you. Some good ones are TED-ED, Crash Course and Kurzgesagt.