Emergency Housing Showcase

Students have been working in roles such as Project Manager, Engineer and Architect to design an energy efficient emergency house for a family of four. Students have used Google Sketchup to design the house, built the model to scale using a range of materials and marketed their companies using Google Sites with embedded slide-shows and videos.


Students have showcased their work to Mater Dei Primary School, our Year 9 Design and Technology students as well as Marian College. Students have pitched their design concept to a live audience both via ZOOM and face-to-face. The winners of the challenge will be announced in the coming weeks. 

~Click on images to enlarge~


MBot Golfing Challenge

The Mbot Golfing Challenge starts in the coming week. Students will work with new team members to create the ultimate golfing green, obstacles, a marketing campaign and programme for their Mbots to navigate the courses. We look forward to seeing the students flourish in their new roles.


Formative and Summative Assessment

Students have recently completed a formative self-evaluation and assessment via Canvas. Staff will give students feedback on how they are currently tracking with their enterprise skills. Students will continue to develop their skills in the Mbot Golfing Challenge and will create a Vlog as part of their e-portfolio process. This will become part of their summative task submission. 


Riverina Coding Competition 

We have recently entered the Riverina Coding Competition with two teams who will go head-to-head in an online battle with seven other teams from the Riverina. Students are completing a five week python coding course to prepare for the competition. 


Competition Teams

The Fourth Rudd Government - Ivan Sokolov, Joshua Shaw, Samuel Culley

Freebody’s HEV - Taylor Smyth, Joseph Cowell, William McLoughlin


We wish these teams the best of luck in their preparation for the competition.




Mrs Courtney Freebody | Leader of Learning and Technology