
This week we gathered independently, as two school communities, Mater Dei Primary School and Mater Dei Catholic College, under the guidance and patronage of our Mother Mary. Students and staff gathered in their Religious Education classes to experience our Marian Liturgy, which included the Liturgy of the Word and a guided Marian focused Meditation. Whilst our celebration looks a little different this year, the meaning and purpose remains just as pertinent in our lives today. 

The theme of our prayer liturgy was Mary, Heart of Hope. This theme reflects the role of Mary in the Church and in our lives, as a supreme model of youth, seeking to follow God’s will. We are always struck by the strength of the young virgin Mary’s ‘Yes’, the strength in those words that she spoke to the Angel “be it done unto me, according to your will”. It wasn’t a nervous ‘yes’, it was a resounding and heartfelt ‘yes’ grounded in complete faith and love for God. Mary’s heart of hope, provides us great strength and conviction today, especially during this time of COVID-19.   


For centuries, it was assumed that after her death, Mary entered into full life with God in heaven. It is understood that, for her loyal devotion to God throughout her life, she was rewarded with full assumption into heaven. In 1950, Pope Pius XII declared this to be an official doctrine of the Church.


The Feast of the Assumption celebrates Mary’s place of honour for submitting faithfully and wholeheartedly to God’s will. It is important to remember that Mary lovingly accepted God’s invitation for her. 


As the Gospel conveys, she rejoices and humbly exults in God’s plan. Mary acknowledges that, in the midst of what would have been confusing and bewildering times ahead for her, God is present. 



We bring our prayers to you, O God, in faith and trust, just like Mary did

  • For Pope Francis, that he may walk in the footsteps of Mary and be an example of faith and trust in God. Lord, hear us.

 Lord, hear our prayer.

  • For our Church leaders, especially Bishop Mark and Fr John, that they may walk in the footsteps of Mary and be models of holiness and goodness. Lord, hear us.

Lord, hear our prayer.

  • For the leaders of our nation, that they may walk in the footsteps of Mary and care for all people with compassion and justice, especially during this time of COVID-19. Lord, hear us. 

Lord, hear our prayer.

  • For our Mater Dei Schools and the Sacred Heart Parish Community, that we may live and love, with the heart of Mary, feeling grateful for our many blessings. Lord, hear us.

Lord, hear our prayer.

  • For those in our community who are sick, that they may find the comfort and care they need through the loving actions of friends and family. Lord, hear us.

Lord, hear our prayer.

  • For ourselves, that we may walk in the footsteps of Mary and continue to trust in your presence in our lives. Lord, hear us.

Lord, hear our prayer.


Loving God, graciously hear our prayers and bring us joy and peace. Amen.



Mrs Amelia Bright | Acting Leader of Mission